
Awesome! Congrats on your finish! A 38 hour cutoff off definitely says something about the difficulty of the course, and then finishing with the rain makes it it even more impressive. I did my first 100 last September at Hallucination 100, and I am doing my second in two weeks at Rocky Raccoon. Gotta get my Western States ticket for the year!

Nice! That’s awesome. Not too many ultrarunners on here (yet)! Good luck at Rocky!! I’m thinking of heading back to Grindstone this year- both Western and Hardrock tickets!

Yeah, I have been searching for ultrarunners and not finding many, but hopefully more and more will turn up! Gotta love any race that gets you both Western States and Hardrock! Plus Hardrock qualifiers are so much more scarce. I’m running my first mountain race this summer. That might get me pondering Hardrock qualifiers. Or it might scare me off. Lol!

They suck for sure but are tons of fun!

I have great respect for anyone that even attempts a 100 miler @raelynnbianca! I admire your persistence and determination to make it to the finish line.

I ran my first 100 miler in September. I love hearing other people's stories about their adventure through the race because everyone's journey is different. Those on the outside just don't understand what a great experience it is even though it hurts... bad!

How many toenails did you lose? 😜

Nice! Which did you run? Surprisingly, I only ever lost 2: one here and the other at the North Face 50. I’ve been blessed with narrow feet so I think that helps haha

I ran Children of the Cane 100. It's a smaller race. How many ultras have you ran?

I have run 6, in order: Blue Cruise 50k, North Face Endurance Challenger DC 50 miler, Labor Pains 12 hour, Grindstone 100, Lavaredo Ultra Trail and Twisted Branch 100k. The last two were DNF.

Wow you are a seasoned vet. I'm still a rookie!

Ha! I wouldn’t go that far! I still have a lot to learn (and run)!

100 miles seem unreal for me! I'm really impress by your performance!