
Haha, that's a luxury problem :-)) Me neither. And my vote power is below 50!!!

I'm maintaining over 90% by being frugal but I do vote a fair amount throughout the day and pretty much every comment on my posts. You need to get posts early and this way you can do a lot more with lower weights on smaller posts and lower still or no votes for the daily trending list and therefore retain higher VP for people/friends/posts you really want to give a good bump. :) I checked your curation rewards just now and think you can certainly do better once you are back home after your travels and have time to focus on better curation. Vote at lower weights for a 4-5 days and you should see the VP go back over 80% and stay there inspite of daily curation.

Thanks my friend!!! I totally missed this one. Great advices here.
I'll consider them once I'll be back on steemit in a couple of months.
Big hugs and keep the good stuff comin :-)

:) Good to know that Marly!
