How I became a Submissive – Part 2 (Only read if you dare)

in #adult9 years ago

I left off where I was doing research on BDSM……


I was adamant to understand and learn everything there was to learn about BDSM, there was just one problem…..would he teach me? At first he was very reluctant and constantly advised me not to get involved with me! But I wanted to, isn't it my choice?


After long discussions and him knowing my background, he finally agreed! YES he agreed to train me, well this is where I began to panic (just a little bit) and could feel the sweet running down. Was I really ready for this, am I thinking straight? Or is he clouding my judgment, this handsome man with the dreamy blue eyes……..


He started off by explaining that for things to work between us we need to set some rules. At first I thought he was joking, who starts a relationship straight off the bat with rules?!? And just as I was about to open my mouth he lifted his finger and placed it softly on my lips. Then he continued, “our relationship will be one of trust, respect and honestly. You will let me know immediately if you are not comfortable with something” to which I just nodded. Then he mentioned the SAFE WORD, wait what did I miss?????? Again I just nodded while staring into his blue eyes….oh those eyes!


We started off slow, with text messages. I was to refer to him as Sir or Master, this took me a while to get use to. I still remember giggling the first few times I replied, then there was the occasional phone call and again I had to address him as Sir or Master. I don't think he was fully convinced this was going to work. It took weeks to get this under wraps before he would see me in person and train me while we were together.


I have to admit I was very scared that I would disappoint him but it went better than I expected. My Master ordered me to remove my clothes and kneel. There I was naked kneeling in front of him, this isn't so bad I remembered thinking to myself. My heart was racing not knowing what to expect next as there is no guide that tells you everything! He took my hair and platted it then picked me up and gently laid me on the bed. I was silenced a few times and my hands got held above my head cause all I wanted to do was feel his body and put my hand behind his head in his hair. He rolled me over and spanked me, which really isn't that bad. I enjoyed the first few spanks and it aroused me in a way I never thought possible. But then it got heated and the next one was hard……..…..I need to say the safe word!


And guess what? The first time I had to use my SAFE WORD, I forgot what it was (laughing out loud). It was really funny to me at the time but he understood and stopped immediately. After our session he explained again how important a safe word is and that I should always remember it. Then he gave me the option to choose the safe word so that I would remember it in future. Wasn't that kind of him?


This is something I thought I would never be able to do but to my surprize it came so natural to give him all the control over things in my life. We started with small things and then added as I was comfortable. I could see the sparkle in his eyes, the joy!


At first this was something that scared me but I wanted to please him. My fist collar was just to wear around the house and get used to the idea. My second collar was a thin black lace with a heart which I was to wear when we went out in public. After some time I came to realize it is just like any other jewelery and I wore mine with pride.


I was finally a submissive by my own choice and this is exactly what I needed in my life. A year later he asked me to marry him. We have been happily married for almost 2 years now and I wouldn't change anything except maybe being MORE submissive……….………..

I am still learning all the time but my Master is patient, kind, respectful and understands my needs and limits. Who could ask for anything more?

Hope you all enjoyed my journey

Here is an adult short story I wrote recently

This is a follow up on my previous article, if you missed it you can find it here


You have done a good job in supporting both stories with pics.

Did I miss it, what was your safe word lol

Lol @karenb54 see it is so easy to miss!