Madhu is a 45 years old Widow living in small village of India. Before 6 years, her
husband Vinod, committed Suicide, because he failed to pay back loans taken
from sahukar(money lender). After his death, Sahukar grabbed the Land owned
by Vinod. Now, Madhu has to take responsibility of her 4 doughters. She began to
work as farm labour. Her Elder doughter Vidya, left education and began to work
as Contributary Teacher in local School.
On the eve of Independence Day, Trustees of her School invited Mr. Sagar, who
was a successful entrepreneur and alumni of the School. After attending the
function , Sagar interacted with all Teachers. He noticed Vidya’s curiosity about
Entrepreneurship. After discussing with her, he realized how Vidya’s financial
trouble let her to join this job.
Sagar decided to visit Vidya’s home and find way to solve her problem. He
offered her a microcredit and 6 months skill training with stipend. Vidya worked
hard to learn every aspect of business. After her training, She began make
Papads(Indian Wafer). Slowly, Her family members and friends joined her. Vidya
decided to enroll other women from nearby villages. She trained them and
formed a Self Help Group.
Today, after 6 years, Vidya is a CEO of most famous Papad Company. Mr. Sagar is
it’s chief Mentor and investor. Now, they are planning to diversify business and
enroll more women into this Venture.

This is How A Social Entrepreneur work. He don’t believe in charity, but believes
in empowering the needy person.
What is the difference between Charity and empowerment?
By giving charity, you create followers. But, you don’t solve the problem.
Empowerment gives you opportunity to create Leaders and solve the issue
What you get in return?
- Motivation to influence the society.
- Helps you to discover purpose of life
- Enrich your brand value and partnership with society.
Social Entrepreneurship won’t make you millionaire overnight, but it will certainly
make your business sustainable.
Real Story of Success
Professor Mohammad Yunus from Bangladesh founded Grameen Bank in 1976 his bank provides credit to poor people for business. In 2010 total asset of Grameen Bank was US$1.6 billion and net profit US$9.7 million.
Professor Yunus was also awarded with Noble Prize for pioneering the concept of microfinance.

(pic credit:
Thus, If you have zeal to bring positive change in Society , and have crazy
ideas to solve problems, Social Entrepreneurship is the best choice waiting
for YOU .
“Empower others to empower yourself”
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