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RE: ADSactly Short Story - A Libation for Madubuaja

in #adsactly7 years ago

hello friend @churchboy I hope you and all the writers in the community are well, I will give my brief thoughtful commentary on your interesting story...

This kind of thing usually happens, sometimes your own family is more concerned about themselves and their personal interests than your well-being, it is not bad that everyone has their own personal interests, their own ideas and their own business, but sometimes you have to stop and see your neighbor who may urgently need a moment of attention, but if he is our family, because he carries our blood.

Greetings from Venezuela to you friend @churchboy and to the rest of the writers of the @adsactly community, always doing good content for us the public that reads and comments to them continuously!


Thank you so much for your thoughts. Yes, you are right. Sometimes the cost of lending a living person is cheaper than the cost of lending it to them after they are dead.

All the best @linoo36. You're appreciated.