"Zimabu Eter" (short story)

in #adsactly6 years ago (edited)



“Zimabu Eter”

I'm closing the book while the dream beat me, this has me obsessed, I have three days without sleep, my thoughts are not normal, whenever I close my eyes I open the portal to my subconscious, listening to that thick voice repeating to me
“Zimabu eter”, “Zimabu eter”
.Heck nooo!, again, I do not think that this damn book has drilling head .

"Annunakis, our creators", thus called, almost ended it, I have to discover the meaning of that phrase that starts the soul of my body.
I've fallen asleep, am no longer in the underworld, was abducted by those who claim to be our gods and I believe them. To complete the only faults realm you, that you're reading this, you will be my companion to when you know the meaning of what I will send on your head,
“Zimabu eter, “Zimabu eter.


The End.


PS: The phrase "Zimabu eter", proven ancient Sumerian language, has been given various meanings since its appearance in hypnotic regressions to disturbed people, due to the psychological persecution of "Unknown entities" that are presumed to be extraterrestrial. Among the most accurate meanings or translations is that of "Spirit from which you can not escape", as well as that of Zi-ma-bu. E-ter = Face of the creator, Face of the creator. The modern word "Ether" is stronger, which is deciphered as "The last spirit", or the fifth element..

The source of the images and gifs from "Google" are listed below according to the sequence: 1,23,4


