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RE: ADSactly Psychology - Procrastination

in #adsactly7 years ago (edited)

A new routine is something requires thought.


Routines and habits are both done repeatedly. The only difference is that one is done subconsciously (habit) while the other requires intent. It's why it's hard to break or form a habit. Definitely, some routines can become habits.

But don’t get disheartened, once you build a routine, it becomes an unconscious set of actions that you can rely on.

which is basically the process of a routine becoming a habit.

There is an answer on Quora with similar ideas to yours and google's algorithm prefers it.

Just as there are different theories about procrastination, there are also different theories about routines and habits.

Whether developing habits is about turning routines to automatic actions - or routines are a set of habits - developing good routines/habits to overcome overwhelm will always be good.
