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RE: Introducing ADSup A Curation Account from ADSactly...

in #adsactly5 years ago

Are these numbers even remotely close?
They look off to me.

I don't suppose extending the rest of us the courtesy of a 500mv influence cap is on the agenda?
Doing so would up the value of all the undervalued's votes that they do manage to get.
Much moreso, if we can get some others to join, than what your drop in the bucket will garner handing out votes until your ears bleed.
Those pleasing to you will do well enough, but at the expense of hundreds of small accounts getting shaken from the long tail.

But, what do i know?
I do my math on scratch paper.

Good luck.


Not even remotely close. As bids are returned from smartsteem when they do not have the votes.

In addition for the votes that would have been sold to this account on smartsteem there are both large and small accounts that benefit from that at the same percentage.

Yep, and all of us doing this the hard way pay.
Taking the easy way out is how we got here, imo.

I personally don't hate the bidbots, I dislike how they are used. Yeah, I also get that how they are used makes it difficult for everyone.


My intense dislike is not for the bots either, but the folks inflicting damage on the chain sure have my ire.
Kinda hard to separate those, imo.

We know who they are, the question is if we have the fortitude to deal effectively with their malignancy.

NewSteem.... I'm hopeful but remain unconvinced.