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RE: ADSactly Psychology - Procrastination

in #adsactly7 years ago

Thank you for sharing @jeffways. I do not think anyone can claim he has never procrastinate. We are all guilty just has you mentioned in the second paragraph - we all procrastinate to some degree. But what degree of procrastination is too much? How do we know we have become chronic procrastinators?

I am asking the above questions because I enjoy the "the rush hour" kind of activity. I know I will certainly get the job done and so I could go one with other activities that catches my fancy at the moment.

Apart from prioritizing your tasks and splitting tasks into smaller tasks, let me SETTING YOUR OWN DEADLINE. This has worked for me. When I noticed I was beginning to be accustomed to doing the job at die minute, I decided to be setting my own deadline maybe two days earlier than the original date of deliver. Let's say for a task that will be due for delivery on Saturday next week, I will set Thursday for myself and try to persuade my mind to believe that thursday is the deadline so that you know whether you fall shout of the Thursday date, you have a spare one day in between for you to tidy up your task before the main date.

It has worked for me. Also to add, when feeling overwhelmed, sometimes you need to stop trying at the moment and sleep briefly so you can get yourself refreshed


But what degree of procrastination is too much? How do we know we have become chronic procrastinators?

When you needlessly avoid getting important things done, it's procrastination.
Since you enjoy "the rush hour" kind of activity, I'm tempted to say you aren't procrastinating because you intentionally delay. But still, it's procrastination. Maybe it's just you trying to convince yourself that you enjoy the rush of getting things done at the eleventh hour.
I can't tell if you are a chronic procrastinator, seriously. But anyone who procrastinates often is...

When I noticed I was beginning to be accustomed to doing the job at die minute, I decided to be setting my own deadline maybe two days earlier than the original date of deliver.

So it seems you figured something was wrong and you decided to create a solution to not miss deadlines.

Regarding sleep, yes, it refreshes the brain. But if there isn't a solid plan to execute all you have on your to-do list, overwhelm may set in.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts.