Flash Fiction......Sacred Tradition:Tales of an African Child

in #adsactly7 years ago


“I will not do as they say” was the angry voice Izu heard as he walked into the Amaechi’s compound. Mrs Amaechi was seated in the sparsely furnished parlor while Ifunanya, fondly called Ify stood fuming and glaring at her mother. “You are a practicing nurse mother, I can’t believe you still pay attention to such archaic tradition” roared Ify. Izu rushed into the room “Ify take it easy, you are speaking to you mother” he admonished. “Good morning aunty” he greeted. “Good morning my son” she replied as she rose up from her position “talk to your friend, she needs to understand that some things are bigger than us”. With that she exited the room through the only connecting door. “This is the 21st century for goodness sake-” Ify turned towards Izu, “and they are trying to stall my marriage with their so called traditions” she lashed out. “No matter how modern you think you are, tradition is tradition and you must obey it”. Mrs Amaechi spoke quietly as she walked back in and sat down on the reclining chair “though your father is not alive but I swore to raise you girls as per his wishes and that is obeying the custom and tradition of our land.” “But mother..... ..” as Ify was about to reply her mother the door opened and Ada walked in. “it’s a good thing that you are here” she walked towards her as she spoke. “Tell mother, that you don’t have a problem with me getting married before you though am younger”, “tell her now!” she said while trying to pull her towards their mother. “Listen Ify, none of us have a problem with it but our tradition does not permit the younger daughter getting married before the older daughter and you really need to calm down.” She Pulled her away from their mother, “can’t you see that mother is exhausted with this issue” she said with an angry lit to her voice. “Now everyone is blaming me” cried Ify as she furiously wiped the tears off.

“Both of you, sit down” Mrs Amaechi commanded “and you too Izu” she pointed towards the wooden chair. “You may not be my biological son but I’ve loved you like one since your mother who was my best friend passed on, so you are practically a member of this family”. She then gazed at her daughters who bore a striking resemblance to their father and have an uncanny resemblance with each other as though they were twins. Her girls have always shared a strong bond with each other as sisters as well as friends. She doesn’t want to see them fight, not for any reason but what can she do, she is helpless because of their sacred traditions. “look here.....” she spoke directly to Ify, “your happiness is important to us so do not think we are your enemies” her eyes suddenly bore a sheen of tears and Ify felt guilty cause she knows her mother will move mountains just to make them happy. “Your father is late....” her voice broke as she spoke, “and all we have is each other so we must stick together. Just as I have said before, there are consequences of breaking sacred traditions, some even fatal so we have to tread with caution.” ”Mother I think I’ve found a way.” “Really Ada?” Ify questioned with such hope in her voice that it radiated with a smile on her face. “So the tradition does not allow a younger daughter to get married before the older one and there is no way to circumvent this?” “True” Mrs Amaechi replied, “That is what I’ve been telling your sister for the past two months.” “So I spoke with Tobi and I explained Ify’s situation and how dire it is right now. He agreed to move up our wedding date to.....” “Wow” interjected Ify “sit down with your hugs and let her finish” their mother complained. “He agreed to have the wedding in six months time as against our two years arrangement.” “Are you sure of your decision?” “Of course mother “she retorted. Ify feeling elated moved to share the sofa with her sister and they both hugged each other. “Thank you big sister” She said with a broken voice. “It’s the list I could do Ada replied as she wiped the tears streaming down her sisters face. “You still have to convince Ikem though, to accept this decision.” She nodded in affirmation.

“But aunty” Izu spoke for the first time since they started their conversation. “How long will such tradition continue to decide our fate? Some of these traditions need to modified or put a stop to. Ify got lucky with hers but what about the next girl? What if her older sister is not fortunate as Ada to have someone willing and ready to marry her? Will she wait, maybe forever until her sister finds a suitor?” “Hmmm” Mrs Amaechi sighed, “My son we had worse in our time but I am glad times are changing and some practices and beliefs are being expunged.” She stood up as she continued speaking, “I sincerely hope that your generation will witness the abolishment of all unfavourable traditions but bear in mind that not all traditions are bad or evil.

Image was obtained from shutterstock.com
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That's a tradition wear and creative art, Love that

Thank you for reading.

People are better educated now, so things are no longer like this.