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RE: ADSactly World - The Life of a Simple Belarus Socialist

in #adsactly7 years ago

Apologies returning a reply late, But one I had some thought put into,
Already the Cypto has opened doors for employment, the exchanges, Mining, and transfers payments.
The value of crypto for the unemployed should be the same as it is for those employed. The currency needs to gain a wider audience of users and outlets for use, before it can have an impact in the wrold of present. We can make those outlets which accept crypto.
In the next 20 years Employment will be needed for approx 15%+ of the workforce. 15% is Just transport drivers, Be it Haulage of goods or Taxi service or postal services. This workforce will need alternative employment, This will happen due to the increase is self driving vehicles. There will be other advances in tech which will increase that volume of unemployed. This decrease in employment is expected to happen at approx 100K per year.
These people should be catered for and not have to suffer for the cost of progress.

While my ambition is not set out as creation of employment. I am more of the morality of the way the rules work and those I would like to see changed.

Solutions, These are never easy to come by, and finding alternative employment for such a massive amount of people, will not be an easy task. I do not hold a solution to that amount of people losing employment. However I do believe it is possible over that time to implement infrastructure which can reduce the costs of living.
When these people lose their present employment. The burden should be absorbed by the majority. Reduction in the basic costs of living over such a large % eases the burden on both those without employment and those who absorb the cost.
I have done a blog touching on the changes needed outlining a direction, I believe is positive for the future and gives more equality to those with a voice not yet heard.

If you would not mind to read, I would appreciate any objections you might find in my thoughts, or anything positive you think should be pursued with a higher determination.

Link is the same as the one in previous post.