From Bottom to Top: introducing an autobiography series to help us better understand Law of Attraction

in #adsactly7 years ago


"What we think, we become."

- Buddha

Six years ago I would have laughed if someone told me there was an ancient practice which could be used to get anything you want in your life. Like some kind of magic trick which only a few people knew about... Sounds crazy right?

Yet today I am living proof of it's existence.

In this post I am going to outline the upcoming chapters which (after the introduction) will take you on a journey from 2007 when I was a drug addicted porn maker in London, up to the current day as a man on the road with his family, living exactly the way I want to live.

LOA main pic.jpg

Upcoming Chapters:

Part 1: How does Law of Attraction work?

  • The Law of Attraction (LOA) states that like attracts like, and in this Vibrational Universe our thoughts in the moment create our reality in the future.

I would like for you to understand this most important Universal Law before I tell you my story. People have been using it to get what they want for a very long time, yet even our greatest minds have been unable to fully explain it, but I am ready to give it my best shot! I will also give you step by step instructions so that you may start practicing it right away.

Part 2: A brief introduction to my life

  • 1976 - 2001
    Youngest son of ex-corporate giant [Harry Stonehill (who was betrayed the U.S. and lost everything)]( I was declared as having dyslexia & ADHD at school in the UK. In time I learned to adapt and after falling in love with magic, I won the Young Magician of the Year award in 1989. Finally I fell in love with film and chose this as my life career.

Part 3: Success does not necessarily equal happiness!

  • 2001 - 2007
    I had just finished working on Guy Ritchie's movie 'Snatch' when my father died in 2001, leading me down an unexpected path into the UK porn industry. With my new job came much success and international adventures, but I knew in my heart I was deeply unhappy.

Part 4: Rehab

  • 2009
    Believing my unhappiness to be the result of my many addictions, I checked myself into rehab in South Africa where I learned many things. But most importantly I discovered a book called 'The Secret' by Rhonda Byrne.

Part 5: Sobriety

  • 2010
    I was sober for a total of 18 months (not even a coffee or cigarette!) yet I ended up directing porn again and despite getting engaged to a beautiful porn star I still didn't feel happy.

Part 6: The difficult awakening

  • 2011
    Didn't marry the porn star (thank goodness!) and started learning more about the world instead. I felt deeply saddened & betrayed when I discovered the many deceptions going on today and did my best to spread the word. In this period I came across the Law of Attraction again, through the words of Abraham (see my daily Abe quotes here) and this time I took note...

Part 7: The year of change

  • 2012
    Began practicing the described techniques, focusing on a life of total freedom on the open road with a family of my own (I even specifically focused on a beautiful brunette European partner). I became a vegan, stopped wearing shoes, started sun-gazing & meditating. I will be examining sun-gazing in my ongoing series TRUTH SEEKING. Please don't look at the sun till you have done your research first.

Part 8: LOA starts working its' magic on me!

  • 2013
    I was unexpectedly invited to the U.S. by a brother I hadn't spoken to since the death of my father, leaving a friend in charge of my rented home for the 5 weeks I was away. Various bizarre events (involving the police and a bunch of harmless plants) led to my eviction and with little money at that time I was left with no choice but to sell what I had and set out on the road.

Part 9: My life-changing Camino

  • 2013
    Walked barefoot a section of the Camino de Santiago (a pilgrimage route across southern France & Northern Spain with all my (mostly film related) possessions on my back. This journey let me to a free home in Barcelona where I was able to hone my time-lapse skills in Gaudi's beautiful park Guell.

Part 10: Thailand, land of dreams

  • 2013
    I was invited to live in Thailand for a film job where I met my French partner Sabrina (seen in the main image at the top) when she sat next to me on a bus!

Part 11: Learning to be a father in France

  • 2014
    Moved to South of France to meet Sabrina's family. Esteban was born in Perpignan, not far from the Spanish boarder. I didn't speak much French at that time, so I focused on my love of films and mentally preparing myself for a life on the road, which I could feel coming to me now as a direct result of my new dominant thought patterns.

Part 12: Indonesia & the final piece of the puzzle

  • 2015 - 2017
    After being invited to live in Bali for a film job I discovered Steemit through a crypto developer I met in the jungle! Prior to this I had no knowledge of cryptocurrency so there was much to catch up on! Luna was born in Bali and after 2 years here we are ready now to continue on the road now... living exclusive on Steem and the possibilities created by this, such as trading, mining and investing into ICOs.

What you can see in this timeline is an exact manifestation of my desire established in 2012.

And below you can see my current profile banner & the kind of life I live now.

Screen Shot 2017-10-31 at 17.26.30.png

If you are interested to learn more about this life I live now, you can follow my up to date blogging, truth seeking, photography, poetry, songs & films @samstonehill & @samstonehilltube

Or you can keep following @adsactly for the next installment of my gift to you:

The Law of Attraction & the Story of my Life.

Authored by: @samstonehill


"Yet today I am living proof of it's existence."

Results based thinking with no evidence whatosever. Author unable to distinguish between "anecdote" and "data".

"Part 1: How does Law of Attraction work?"

By fooling suckers into believing magical thinking, a diagnosable symptom of mental illness, is an effective decision-making tool.

"truth seeking"

Spotted the "problem".

Snake oil.

The law of attraction is a proven lie. You should stop selling scams to weak, pathetic people who need magical thinking to get through the day. (Perhaps you should send them to John Edward instead lol.)

"If you read LOA websites and posts, you’d guess that it is might be over 90% effective - everybody seems to be achieving their goals this way. Talk to experts who deal with the general public trying to use a LOA, there’s a completely different story. The failure rate is huge! In fact, LOA expert John Assaraf estimated that the success rate is about 0.1%!! We believe this number to be correct."

"I’m sorry for the doom and gloom in this article. But these things need to be said. Millions of people are wasting time, money, and energy into an ineffective and detrimental system."

Self-voted to save the gullible from liars with no psychology qualifications whatsoever.

Take made-up advice from those with highly regrettable life decisions at your own risk.

Now that you have drawn $0.30 from the community to make your voice heard, I am curious to hear you explain what is the risk to adopting positive thought patterns in your life?

And having checked your mainstream article am also curious also to know if you have looked into who controls the source of this 'information' and what they might have to gain by telling us this?

Perhaps a more scientific explanation of LOA might shift your thinking on this?

Hope you enjoy!

Where can I find snake oil?

I like your posting .post is good. i want to be like you are a lot of fans. and i need your support in achieving the ideals in order to become a good artist. i need support from you.

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First of all, I really loved this post and idea. My dad was always interested in Law of Attraction, so he taught me all about it since I was a kiddo. I am really blessed that this gift was given to me at such young age. For all my life (aka 19 years) I've been living by it and I have to say, it is not always easy. It gets rough and you can even get frustrated and angry with it, many people think LOA is bullshit because it isnt working for them but the problem is acutally in them! It takes a lot of time and BELIEF and MOTIVATION to get it flowin! I think that we who do know about LOA and can use it, should raise knowledge about it because everyone deserves to know about it and try it.
PS. I am blown away by the fact that I can comment on a post and possibly recieve a reply from someone who was working on Snatch... It is my all time favourite!!!!!
Thank you for this post. Followed, ready for more. Sendin good vibes your way! :)

Wow! What a perfect thing to hear. Thank you 🙏🏻

My children are still young but you can be sure this is on their homeschooling 'daddy designed' curriculum ;)

Agreed it isn't always as simple as all that. The physical world has a habit of distracting us! So many times I've been caught out, believing that the events in my life should be classed as 'bad' unaware that the Universe was holding my hand all the way, leading me to the exact place I needed to be.

Am really excited to share the story of my life for the first time here with LOA as the backdrop to it all.

And also happy to hear you enjoyed Snatch. It was a really interesting period in my life. I made tea for Madonna!

Remember the quick casino flash/scene with Frankie Four Fingers when he is gambling? That's me singing Viva Las Vegas in the background. Perks of being personal assistant to the composer ;) Though I was never paid any royalties!!! haha ;)

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One of the pros and cons of posting something on this platform or any other,is that we become susceptible to not so nice (or super nice) replies/comments. Such is life. Best wishes :)

I read the book "The Sectret", well actually only a part of it. I realized very soon that these where all just anecdotes from people who where already successful, but nowhere in the book does it reveal the actual "secret"of how to go about getting "from here to there" i.e. does not explain what you need to do to make the necessary changes. I started my own search for the real secret and found it. It shifted my entire perspective and I suddenly began to understand why certain things work and others don't. I am sure by writing these articles you will help a lot of people shift their perspective too. Very nice article. PS. I was contemplating writing about this very topic today, but I will leave up to you now.

For sure you should write your own post! We all have our own perspective and story to tell. And the more of us who share this message the greater impact it will have on the steemit community as a whole.

PM me on with the link when you post and I will upvote & resteem u ;)

By the way, it's great to see one familiar 'face' here as I read through these comments! I think you are the only one. Now if that's not LOA I don't know what is :)

@samstonehill, that's because we are on the same wavelength, lol. I cant access steemit chat, I have have tried and reached out for help but to no avail for two months already. Do you perhaps know of someone that could help me with this? I would really appreciate that! Thanks Sam.

I think we've talked about this one before. It's a bit of a tricky problem that one as the guy you need to talk to operates through I wonder if you started a second account that might at least get you in so that you can talk to @timcliff in the #help feed there.

Great story of your life. I first read about the law of attraction in 2005, in a wonderful book, that I don't remember the name of. The book was about success in general and it had chapter explaining how to practice the "law of attraction" I believe the writer didn't use the term "law of attraction"; I think he used some other term to describe the exact same rule.
I read "the secret" in January 2013. The secret is the book that popularized "law of attraction".
I wish you all the best for your book.

Yes, there have been many books written about this subject over the years, using different ways to describe it. Like Think & Grow Rich (1993) which originally used the word vibration but they cut it out because people were confused by it!

I hope you enjoy the upcoming series ;)

Thanks for following!

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If i have the privilege, i will recommend that you read Psycho Cybernetics by Dr.Maltz too. I read The Secret, some of the concepts looks unrealistic to me, but who can deny potency of law of attraction?

Thanks for the tip. I will look out for that one!

I hope you enjoy the upcoming series ;)

And thanks for the comment.

The follow-up to this post was completed moments ago. An in depth look at the mechanics behind Law of Attraction:


Law of attraction, that's pretty cool name. Gotta have to read it,as I have a lot of free time.

For sure you must if you have lots of free time. This will change your life forever if you practice it. Watch out for my next post which goes into more detail about what it is and how to practice it ;)

@samstonehill, I am actually interested to learning ways how to practice the Law of Attraction , can't wait

Great! You will enjoy this ride ;)

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The follow-up to this post was completed moments ago. An in depth look at the mechanics behind Law of Attraction:


Quite agree with you, it is known that thoughts materialize and all our thoughts as a rule turn into the present. Thank you @adsactly for reminding me about this :)

It is great that you are aware of this already :)

Knowing this information has changed every aspect of my life and I look forward to sharing the full story with you here...

Thanks for the comment!

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I read "the secret" but I don't believe 100% of the book's premises.I believe that some things occur to us and we have to just deal with. Having a positive attitude is very important in life.

One of the most important things I would say. 'Is your glass half full or half empty?' is the question I usually ask people ;)

You will enjoy my next post which looks into the science behind how LOA works...

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Thank you for this.

Amazing story @adsacty, I an also a beliver in Law of Attraction . I wish you good luck i will follow your blog.

The follow-up to this post was completed moments ago. An in depth look at the mechanics behind Law of Attraction:


Great to hear this. It's a beautiful feeling to know the secret ;)

I just love it sir.....wonderful writing

Thank you sir for sharing

Many thanks! Appreciate you saying that :)

thats a great story...i like your writing...thanks

The follow-up to this post was completed moments ago. An in depth look at the mechanics behind Law of Attraction:


Great story! ;D

Good post, I am a photographer, it passes for my blog and sees my content, I hope that it should be of your taste, you have my vote :D greetings

Thanks. If i have time I will check it out!

Nice of you to share your life story and transformation with us Sam! I can personally attest to the the truth in the law of attraction :)

Excellent to hear this! Many thanks for leaving a lovely positive comment ;)

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Great article, it was pleasure to read it. Thank you.

Many thanks for reading it. Hope you enjoy the rest of the series!

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Buena historia

Your story really true its forward in my life also

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Thank you for sharing. Nice and inspirational post. Of late I have heard a lot about LOA and have started believing in it though don't know much about it. Is it same as telling your subconscious mind what you want and it starts going in that direction. I feel some truth is there in LOA

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This post has received a 42.86 % upvote from @lovejuice thanks to: @sammarkjames. They love you, so does Aggroed. Please be sure to vote for Witnesses at

Nice post man

I just followed you and upvote ur post will you do the same ????

Great read ! Thank you for sharing :)@splendorhub logo.png

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I simply love your articles, what great content and quality of posting you offer the community here on Steemit and abroad.

Thanks a lot :)

The follow-up to this post was completed moments ago. An in depth look at the mechanics behind Law of Attraction:


@adsactly Thank you for sharing your story. I agree we don't all have to agree with the philosphy presented, but there's defitnetly some truth to it. I personally believe that some peoples energy just kills the light in a room or anthers person energy. Reading your post made me realized that you had had such an adventure...which has led you to be with an awesome partner. Congrats to both of you. Life is a marathon, not a sprint. Best wishes.