The Evil Twin
It was two-hundred-and-fifty new yams after Ikenga departed from the settlement he shared with his brother, Mburu and their parents. Ikenga was the first son of Oge, the patriarch of Madu Kingdom. He was the rightful heir to his father's wealth, but he knew that his brother needed it more, so he packed his belongings and began the journey down the road to the direction from which the sun rose. He wanted to get as close to the rising of the sun as he could. With him were his pregnant wife, Ije and son, Amadi. They journeyed for two months until Ije was too heavy to continue. They stopped and eventually settled in a place near the river where they had their second son, Uka. The family did not move again after Uka was born. As time passed, other migrants came and settled at Umu-Ikenga as the town was later named. The city prospered under the leadership of Ikenga until he died after forty years' rule. The culture of the people was passed down through stories and folklore. That was how Akan knew about his ancestors and the gods that had prospered them all those years. He knew most of the culture even though he did not understand them all.

According to how his father taught him, he was a descendant of the great Ikenga who established and ruled over their community. He remembered when how his father showed him things like how to count the days and how the days turned to weeks and the weeks turned to years. It was Nkwo, Eke, Orie, Afo that made up on a week. Two weeks made up one market day which was always on the Nkwo. It took ninety weeks for the year to go round, then it was time to harvest the new yam and celebrate the New Yam Festival which ushered in the new year. He knew about the gods and the sacrifices they demanded. He knew that the chief priests spoke for the gods and he had never doubted their wisdom until now.
Akan married late according to the standards of those days. He was unconventional in many ways. Most marriages he knew of were arranged by the parents of the bride and the groom. When a girl was arranged for him to marry, he did not know how to reject the arrangement. Luckily for him, the girl felt the same way that he did, and they both agreed that she should run away. She ran away to a distant town, away from all the members of her community. When Akan finally got married, it was to the love of his life, Ejije. Akan and Ejije were the envy of the town. They went everywhere together and had above average means because Akan had worked very hard before he married Ejije. Only one thing eluded the couple: they could not have children. Akan's parents and kinsmen encouraged him to take another wife for the purpose of procreation, but he was adamant about wanting no one else. As the pressure mounted from Akan, even Ejije became convinced that Akan should marry a second wife. Still, Akan refused.
The people of Umu-Ikenga did not understand how a man would allow his lineage to end because his wife would not bear a child. It did not take long before the rumours began to circulate that Ejije had bewitched Akan. People whispered when the couple walked past.
"She has charmed him," they would say.
"He has lost his senses," they whispered under their breaths.

Akan was unperturbed until one morning, he woke up to find the king's men at his door, demanding that his wife had been summoned by the king. He had no choice but to let them take her but he followed them. When they arrived, the king asked Ejije if she was guilty of the crime of witchcraft of which she had been accused. She pleaded not guilty. The chief priest was called upon to try her with the truth rope. The priest stepped forward and made some incantations. He threw his cowries on the floor and suddenly a tremor ran through him.
"This woman has done nothing wrong," he declared. He looked around the King's palace and shrugged. He was a lanky man, dressed in a wrapper and red-and-white-striped skull cap. Around his left eye was a white paint which signified that he saw in the spiritual realm with it.
"And there is something else. This woman is with child," he said, to the surprise of everyone in the room. They would have doubted it if the words did not proceed from the mouth of Asika the Great, The Eye of the Gods.
Asika did not need it to be right before he believed it. He was going to have an heir, and his wife is going to be happy again, free from all the accusations that had been hers to bear for almost one decade. He would have carried his wife home in his arms if she let him. But she insisted that she would walk with her two legs.
After two months, it became apparent that Asika the Great indeed could see beyond the physical: Ejije was pregnant. But what Asika did not say was that the pregnancy which they sought with all their hearts were going to plunge the couple into another set of trials and tribulations. Akan provided everything that his wife needed and loved her more than ever. Out of gratitude for saving his wife from disgrace and punishment, Akan would usually go to the chief priest and offer him meat from the animals he hunted. Asika was grateful for this act of generosity of Akan's, but he did not understand it. Most people who brought him gifts were people that needed his help to intercede with the gods on their behalf. But he had waited to see what Akan wanted, and after months he realised that there may be nothing else to it except that Akan was a kind person. Asika looked for a way to show his appreciation, but he had nothing to offer a man who had everything he needed.
It was for this reason that Asika was the saddest of men when Ejije had not one, but two babies - twin boys. It was known in the kingdom that the god of fertility gave one child. When a woman had more than one child at once, then one of them must belong to the evil spirit. It would have been easy if the evil child could be identified by any person but it was not possible to tell the good child apart from the evil child. Over the years, the people had devised only one solution to this problem. The priest before Asika had advised that the gods instructed that such babies should be submitted to the evil forest: let the evil spirits take theirs and leave the good child. So when a twin was born in Umu-Ikenga, a unique basket was made for the twins, and they were taken to the chief priest who lived at the verge of the evil forest and the only person qualified to walk into the woods. This was the same place that every person who was inflicted by the gods with sickness was submitted before or after their death.
The problem with this solution was that every twin that was ever submitted to that forest died. Akan considered running away with the twins, but he was terrified of the wrath of the gods. People who disobeyed the gods in the past had symptoms that ranged from skin diseases and distended abdomen, then eventually came inevitable death. He knew that the gods had their way finally. So, with a broken heart, he rolled his twins in animal fur and placed them gently in the basket. Amidst the cry of his wife and neighbours, he carried the basket and walked to the chief priest's residence. He cried as he went and wished that the journey would never end. It was the shortest journey he ever took.
Asika was waiting for him when he arrived. He secretly hated the chief priest for being a part of the process that took his joy away. He was surprised to see the sadness in the chief priest's eyes when he walked closer to the hut. He was sure that Asika's sadness matched his own as he handed over the basket to him. Akan turned around quickly to hide the tears that quickly ran down his cheeks. The chief priest took the basket and walked into his hut, past the sitting room and into his backyard. By the time Akan looked back, he had disappeared from his view. As Akan walked home, his anger towards the priest dissipated as he realised that they were all victims of that situation. If anything, the priest was only carrying out the duty that he and the rest of the community had entrusted him with. By the time he arrived home, Ejije was inconsolable. He tried but could not find the words to console her for what she felt he also felt. He imagined that he would not have felt any worse if he was burned alive.

The days turned into a week and into a market day before Akan could drag himself out of the house to go hunting. He was lucky though he did not feel that way. He shot an antelope. As he was returning from his trip, he passed Asika's hut and decided he could not use all the meat. So he stopped and knocked on the front door. One of Asika's servants answered the door and led him inside the hut. No sooner had he sat down when he heard the cry of a baby. He dropped the animal and quickly rushed to the back of the cabin. There, he saw the priest feeding one of two babies with a white liquid. Akan was giddy with happiness, and his legs could hardly support him as he walked towards the spectacle in front of him. As he got closer, he became more convinced that those were his babies.
"What?" he said as he knelt down and scooped up one of the babies in his arms. He could not finish the questions he wanted to ask. There was no use: the boys were safe. He hugged the baby so tight that he was worried that he would smother him. Asika turned and watched him and realised for the first time since the babies were first handed to him. He knew he was supposed to take them to the forest, but he could not bring himself to do it. Since he lived at the edge of the same wood, he decided that keeping them in his barn behind his hut was as good as leaving them in the forest unattended. They were gentle babies, but they got hungry and cried sometimes. Initially, he had not thought about the necessity of having to feed them. He had imagined that the evil spirits would have claimed one the first night so that at least one would be saved, but to his amazement, both babies had survived. He was still waiting for the evil spirits to come when Akan walked through his doors. He could not explain his actions, but from the look on Akan's face, he did not need to tell.
Akan could not return home with any of the babies because he still feared the wrath of the gods. He could not tell his wife either for fear that the secret would get out. He also believed that they may still lose one child to the evil spirits, so he kept their lives a secret that stayed just between him and the chief priest, but every day, he visited them with goat milk and meat. After eight market days, he began to realise that the gods had decided to spare his children and he was finally able to tell his wife of their good fortune. However, the secret was not safe to be out. Eventually, the new parents decided it was best if they moved away from Umu-Ikenga. They travelled far in the direction of the setting sun. There, they settled down with their boys and became a community of their own after many years. It took the people of Umu-Ikenga more than another one hundred new yams to realise what Akan and his wife learned through love, terror, tears and blood - there is no evil twin.
Authored by: @churchboy
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Very heart touching story. This is not just a story but a chronicle of the people of ancient time. As a society we humans have achieved a lot. We could overpower every animal species and became supreme. But superstitions and ignorance have caused a great harm to us. Also, unnecessary intervention of the society and the state in personal life of people is detrimental to the development of a healthy society. Sometimes, a superstitious and cruel society becomes the worst enemy of humanity. Gods (they are imaginary though) do not remain benevolent entities as they become tyrant. Their irrational and illogical demands become a nightmare for humanity. Right from the advent of the human civilization religious beliefs are tormenting humanity. They are killing humans in the name of religion. We must get ourselves free from all religions. Not much priests are humans.
Thank you for your comment. It is heartwarming to hear you share my exact point of view. I come from a place where critical thinking is the exception and not the rule. My people have moved from the gods to other religions. People are getting killed because they did not believe in what their enemies believe in. Priests take advantage of their congregation for personal gains even when the losses of such people are much greater than the gains of the priests.
Punishment of women for having twins and punishment of children for being witches and wizards still happen in some remote parts of Cross River state of Nigeria until this day. These things are fantastic to the logical thinking person but they still are part of some people's reality.
I appreciate your comment. Thanks.
@churchboy I think religions were formed to unite the human civilization but they were based on lies. Why am I saying 'lies'? Because they were based on the fake stories of spirits, gods, heaven, hell and other worlds etc. Moral stories were derived from the fake stories of gods etc. So, they were based on lies. If the method is not pure, result cannot be pure too.
Several thought patterns worldwide, not exclusive to a particular locale has been the Norm across ages.
While this is so, it is out of logical truth that all Beliefs (religions, as alleged) are detrimental as their Leaders are less Human.
Notwithstanding the few , across age malfeasances of "Religious" bodies, their effects in Social and Economic Development of Societies has been more of Good than Evil.
Few examples suffices: Religions has and would continue to be the Bastion of Formal Education in the Developing Societies of the World!!
Most renowned Personages in all fields of endeavour Worldwide are beneficiaries of FAITH BASED EDUCATIONAL ENDOWMENTS.
When faith becomes more important than individuals, problems start. Religion were not bad but when they became tools of capturing power, keeping people uneducated and depriving them from logical thinking, everything changed. So, we need a world free from religious dogmas.
Ps: Religion and spirituality are different terms.
That’s called a true love! Unfortunately, this didn’t play well with all the people of Umu-Ikenga. She was acused for bewitching Akan.
Even with great news people of Umu-Ikenga always find something they turn into negative. In this case just because it was too good to be true and instead Ejije having only one child she was blessed with twins, people of Umu-Ikenga found a reason for bad news. It’s hard to believe such a believes of superstitions still exist. Fortunately the priest did the right thing. His conciseness didn’t allow him to leave the twins in the forest to die, which was obvious they would eventually die. These parents had to go through hell to get where they are now. I’m glad the story has a good ending.
Thank you for your comment. Yes, this one has a happy ending but not all such stories have a happy ending. It has not been very long that these practices stopped in some parts of Africa.
All the best.
Very good story, @churchboy. Full of beliefs, ancestral and cultural knowledge. It is very interesting how in some villages, this knowledge has been taken into account for centuries and has been passed on from generation to generation. In this story, even though the father and the priest were willing to give up the children, the gods took pity and did not act against them. I believe that in this case faith and obedience were put to the test! Thank God in the end love and union prevailed. Thank you for that sobering story!
Both the priest and the father acted out of fear. But the priest had enough compassion to place the babies in a place where they would not be devoured by wild animals in the barn within the confines of the evil forest. He did not know the outcome of that action and was surprised to find that the children were not harmed.
It is entirely possible that there were no gods involved in this matter. But the believe of the people that there was gods validated the gods.
I'm pleased that you took the time to read and leave a beautiful comment. Thank you.
Thank you for the comment. There may have been no gods but the believe that there were gods validated such gods and influenced the people's behaviour.
You have written this beautifully. I like the names given to the characters in your story.
Simply put, you took us back to the time of Mary Slessor and how she stopped the killing of twins in Calabar.
Between, a long time ago, I read somewhere that it wasn't Mary Slessor that actually stopped the killing of twins in Calabar, but another Mary, who travelled and worked with Mary Slessor all the time in Calabar, Nigeria. I will look for the source and attach it but if anyone can vouch this please help.
I'm not very conversant with that story but it is entirely possible that credit was given to the wrong person. However, I think that anyone who worked in those areas at that time deserves some accolades because until this day, those were not easy places to navigate. It is a large area of which Calabar is the most civilized.
Thanks for your comment.
Nice story i like it thank you to share with us this beautiful story and East and West you are the best
Men this is amazing story I am really sad because my English isn’t very well to understand this “art” thank you very much have a nice day from greece
Pretty surprised to see so mamy rituals followed earlier as well. The witchcraft thing for not concieving a baby is florish everywhere. Though they have a happy family still people doubt about their inability to concieve child.pretty bad thing that society need to interfere in someone life it still exist...may be some legacy that get into our life from our ancesstors.
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Very nice story,,,
Great post,,,, @adsactly
Good work,,, thanks for shareing
Good post at this time,,,superb @adsactly
Excellent ,,,,,, post
Hi ,,,, beautiful post
excelente post,buen escrito
This was definitely a good read. More of this pls, @churchboy, the steem community needs more of great original stories like this.
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Thank you for your comment @purpletanzanite. We do what we can. You're appreciated.
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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!
GREAT POST, Nice story and very touching. Maybe I can't describe the cultural roots in detail in your story, but there are things that we can capture when many people say trust in the gods is just an illusion, we are increasingly aware that in human life there is always power outside us. life expectancy for everyone. even though we also realize in life that there is a struggle that sacrifices time, energy to love blood tears and even souls. if we can harmonize the sacrifice with the belief that there is an external power we will certainly make us more optimistic in facing life. Wherever we are there will always be a sense of adequacy. Wherever we move, we will be able to care for children well.
Thank you Steemitthank you @churchboy Thank you @adsactly
Warm regard from Indonesia
Thank you for your comment. Yes we like to believe in things greater than us. Sometimes such believe come at great cost. All the best!
Wow... You are the greatest man @adsactly. Giving the onformation bit by bit. That really great. Teaching many about one knowing his/her origin. Thank you for this information. I keep voting you as a witness
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