ADSactly on ADSACTLY #70 - On Advertising - Part 3

in #adsactly6 years ago (edited)

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ADSactly on ADSACTLY #70

On Advertising - Part 3


Did you know that in some countries it is illegal to confiscate a TV set if the person is in debt? Authorities can take away everything else, including fridge, carpets, microwave, pots and pans but the TV set - nope. It is protected by the law. Care to think why would that be so?

Well, just maybe, it might be because it is the only possession that lulls one to sleep and then serves all needed to keep the mind in the 'right mindset' on daily basis. A person who's lost everything is prone to change his/her opinions and do things which wouldn't be good for the system. Well, therefore, "keep your TV set and keep on dreaming" but don't dream of marching the streets and doing something that might actually change things.


For example, did you recently see a pharmaceutical commercial on TV? Some 'innocent' drug is advertised as a remedy for your stomach pains, headache, period, prostate etc. All of them suggest something along these lines:

You have a problem and we can solve it. Quick! Mind you, YOU HAVE A PROBLEM. Do you want to solve it right? And you need to solve it RIGHT away because you need to go back to work in the morning, right? Let us HELP you. We'll solve your problem right away, now! Go buy this or that pill. It will solve everything... And more!


Could it be that your mind starts working toward searching for problems if not actually creating them on account of those words? If this sounds like a paragraph from a fiction novel, remember that it is possible to create a health problem as a result of stress and negative thinking. We've witnessed it many times.

Your body and your mind are connected. If you imagine something extensively enough for long enough your thoughts will manifest themselves in the material realm. Have you ever lied to your parents that you were sick so you didn't need to go to school and later on became sick? The better actor you are, the better it works. The same process.


It is not the theme of this article, but it may be worth mentioning that most of the chemical drugs only remove symptoms of decease. They don't cure its causes. The pain and discomfort are removed but the illness and its causes stay. Just a thought - should drugs be advertised at all?

The first step in waking up is acknowledging that effects of advertisement have a great impact on our lives. The scale is much greater than we think. It is not only commercials, they are only the most exposed form. There are many more vehicles. Influencing the masses is done through TV shows, daily politics, news reports, the entertainment industry, movies and many more. All these working in unison compound messages in our minds, shape our thoughts, create desired mind processes and mould us into obedient consumers who do as told without even realizing it.

What are your thoughts? Is ignorance a bliss? Where are the limits of ethics? Do you feel influenced by the mainstream?

Thank you for following "On Advertising" series of articles. We hope you enjoyed them and learned a thing or two. If not, then we hope they at least remind you of something you already knew deep down and can use it as food for thought.

Image Source for all images, unless stated otherwise, is Pixabay. or Pexels.


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ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 65 ADSactly - Value Of Time Part 3
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 66 ADSactly - Value Of Time Part 4
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 67 ADSactly - Value Of Time Part 5
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 68 ADSactly on ADSACTLY - On Advertising - Part 1
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 68 ADSactly on ADSACTLY - On Advertising - Part 2


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It's all true! I live in Italy and I have often seen and heard stories like that from the poor people to whom the tax authorities have seized every good! They left only the TV and the poor man could dream watching fictions and misleading spots, and sleep on the bed that preventively allowed him to keep! Iresteem your post gladly. I resteem your post gladly.

That is the real truth about advertising and its role in controlling the mind of the entire world society. They encourage us to buy something we don't need, to believe in something because of the times we are told the same information, to vote for a political party or even to maintain a rhythm of life that keeps us submissive to the elite.

They talk about conspiracies, which use all the media and publicity to convey an ideology or message to us to keep our minds off reality. Many may not agree with me, but most people keep paying attention to it and attaching more importance to stupid things (like TV shows, movies, games, etc). There are many of us who believe that this is done by some of the world's elite organizations in order to keep our focus away from things that are really important to the world and our own lives.

In short, they want to keep us as slaves, always being lower and middle class employees, while they enjoy the power of fortune.

This is my very personal opinion of one of the things I believe in....

A greeting @adsactly

Did you know that in some countries it is illegal to confiscate a TV set if the person is in debt?

Now that would not ever enter my mind if I didn’t read this, but it completely makes sense. These are sneaky, mind manipulating people who have everything figured out in every single detail. Including your points they also want people to watch mainstream media. I don’t have to explain why. lol it’s amazing how some of these advertisements work. They create a problem in our mind and at the same time they give us a solution for this new problem. When it comes to drugs, I take aspirin mostly two times a year. I’m avoiding any drugs like poison ☠️. But unfortunately I know many people who keep filling their bodies with different kind of drugs every single day and one of the reasons could be them relying on advertisements too much.

Wow, I was surprised when I found out that there are countries where it is forbidden to confiscate TV. I did not know about this before. But nevertheless it is obvious why this happens. TV is very often called: "zombo box". This is literally translated as a box that makes of people - zombies. I'm glad that some people understand that TVS is a tool for manipulating people. It is especially unpleasant to realize that television is used for political purposes. That is, the state with the help of television imposes on citizens a "false" partiotism. That is, they prischyvayut us hate each other.
There is a saying:

  • in chess, "black" and "white" figures are enemies. But those who manage these figures are people who are friends.
    TV is a tool for manipulation. If they need to sell the medicine, they will convince them that they are sick and they urgently need to buy this medicine. If they need to hide their eco-economic insolvency, they will argue that external forces are to blame for this.
    I'm glad that more and more people realize that TV is evil. But it's sad that most people continue to believe the TV.
    Thank you for the excellent report!

Great post @adsactly and a lot of it is true and, frankly, quite concerning. Especially the programming part is something that I myself stumble over quite a bit. That being said, I think I will look at some other posts of you in the future, so that is something I can look forward to. i resteem your post dear.

@adsactly It was the fact of the fact that, due to the other, due to other reasons, due to the help of increasingly successful business and due to the growing business and the use of the compound, they have taken the money and transfer as possible from the fierce experience and the use of their quick work by receiving customer pockets, as long as possible and as long as possible.

Its great post I learned something from here thank you so much

Your beautiful post the mind touched the can be

I titally agree to the message of thjs article.i remember how sometime ago,i had a heart problem because i had exposed my mind,over a long period of time to depressing news about insincere patners. We indeed should be careful what we see and hear.they have effects on how health as well as our how we think.
Thank you@adsactly for this wonderful and informative piece..i hope to read more educative articles from thus community

I haven’t owned a tv in ages lol.because I know the affect Of it.books are much better for your mind.i love a good book.i get to use my imagination when reading or being read to.all of those stupid commercials and dark entertainment.i don’t miss at all. Thank you for this post 👍🏽11F2292C-E7EF-451E-B0CC-B07A0A0DF496.png

OMG! This is factually educative. Truthfully, I've never heard of it before (i.e. the TV set freedom from confiscation.) And the reasons are quite genuine.
I'm resteeming and upvoting this post right away

I think that the repetition of the ads instil a subtle corrupt form of education that takes the form of religion. I feel like the T.V has become an alter for the preaching of capitalism as our remedy for a fruitful life..

■ Never here about the TV fact
■ In 2016, Indian government seized all the big currencies in the name of black money