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RE: Facebook executive denies that the network spies on its users microphones

in #ads7 years ago

Well, I am of the opinion they monitor more than that. They likely have our passwords and stuff to other websites as well. I do not doubt that if I had the app installed on my pc that I would lose my ETH or BTC funds.

I only use FB for messaging people and even that is becoming annoying to use.

Also, Samsung TVs listen to you + many other things do like Siri/Cortona on your phone or xbox or playstation.

From article " Many Samsung "SmartTVs" come equipped with voice recognition, which allows you to bark commands at your TV. Since the television is always listening for your voice, Samsung has warned its SmartTV customers that every word is being captured and sent over the Internet.

"Please be aware that if your spoken words include personal or other sensitive information, that information will be among the data captured and transmitted to a third party through your use of Voice Recognition," Samsung posted in its SmartTV privacy policy. "