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RE: Ads Don't Have To Be Annoying

in #ads8 years ago

As a person visiting websites quite a lot, and a person who has created content for almost 20 years, I have a love / hate relationship with ads. I understand why content creators put them on their content. No one will make direct payments for content, so the only way to support time consuming content production and site hosting is via ads.

But some are too annoying, in my opinion. I never reward a pop over or pop under with a click. I don't care for sites that use videos that auto-play especially with unmuted sound. I may click an ad in the flow of the content if it isn't too annoying, or if it off to the side.

Perhaps Steemit has it right, and the site will thrive without a need for ads. If ads do appear, I feel that they will be non-obtrusive so as not to drive people from the community.


Agreed that some ads are too annoying, I'm not a fan of the ads that black out the entire screen and make me search for the tiny x so I can get back to the page I was on. Especially when I am on my phone and I keep pressing the wrong thing with my finger. I'm curious how well steemit will sustain without ads, I guess time will tell.