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in #adolfhitler7 years ago

The jews can't stand Eric, he's exposed every single one of the hook-nosed lies. I'm not sure how you can't see that. Also, they are behind the ball earth deception too. Freemasonry is entirely jewish and the ball earth is the greatest and oldest masonic lie. Check out this video:


Like veganism I'm not going there. As I said in my flat earth Steemit post, I've done a bit of research into that too, but I can't be arsed arguing about it now and quit 5 months ago...

Sorry, I just now looked through your flat earth post. It looks like you're under the impression that flat earth has something to do with the bible or religion, is that correct?

Again, I realize you don't want to get into this but if I may just briefly make a few points, you don't have to respond or anything...

1). "we traveled between places that wouldn’t have worked out so well if the earth was a flat disc"

  • Flight routes are one of the greatest proofs we have that earth is flat. There are no southern hemisphere flight routes, they all make at least one stop. Note the difference when researching, direct is NOT non-stop. Most people confuse direct flights with non-stop and thus claim that "southern-hemisphere" flights are non-stop which would be impossible on a flat earth. Non-stop flights to locations like, Auckland, New Zealand -> Cape Town, South Africa; Santiago, Chile -> Johannesburg, South Africa; Sao Paulo, Brazil -> Johannesburg, South Africa; Auckland, New Zealand -> Santiago, Chile; Perth, WA, Australia -> Johannesburg, South Africa; etc... do NOT exist. They all make at least one stop and its almost always in the northern hemisphere. These flight routes would be entirely nonsensical on a ball earth but make a perfect straight shot flight on a flat earth model.

2). "But one of the areas that we mostly did cover pretty well in Geography was the physical structure of the planet."

  • The deepest hole that has ever been dug was 8 miles deep, Russian Kola Superdeep. It took them over 20 years to dig it and the rock became so hard that the equipment started failing. This was on land. In the ocean, science doesn't deny that we haven't even explored 10% of the ocean. Upon reaching the deepest point in the ocean the research crew reported that the submarine was unable to descend below a saline layer which resembled a lake or ocean WITHIN the ocean. It even had it's own shore and various never before seen sea life. The submarine would bounce up and was unable to penetrate this saline layer. That was the deepest anyone has gotten in the ocean. The layers of the alleged ball earth are thus nothing but speculation and a forgone conclusion. No one has been able to penetrate deep enough to tell what's beneath 8 miles deep, where is the evidence for the existence of all the other layers? It's all someone's imagination but honestly, someone's blatant lies to keep the deceived goyim masses from asking too many questions.

3). "another theory that the moon is actually a hollow alien made construct"

  • The moon is neither hollow, nor is it a ball. Such are lies of government controlled opposition shills. If you'd like, i can tell you the truth about the moon and provide my factual and irrefutable evidence. It's not a ball, it's not dense matter and it's definitely not hallow. And you are correct, no one has ever landed on it either. That's another freemasonic lie!

4). "lots of people having been around the globe in planes"

  • Gyroscopes prove that planes do NOT fly over a curved ball but instead remain perfectly level once the plane reaches cruising altitude. Pilots are coming out all over the world and exposing the ball earth lie because they witness these things on a daily basis. Gyros prove planes fly over a PLANE

5). "there are also a lot of images taken from the satellites, rockets and space junk that is orbiting around the planet"

  • So we are told, yet there isn't a single shred of factual evidence to support these claims. Camera trickery, green/blue screen in combination with CGI is what is presented as factual and irrefutable evidence yet we know that such measures wouldn't need to be taken if said claims where in fact reality. You wouldn't have to use a fisheye or wide-angle lens to get a "curve". You wouldn't have to use photoshop and computer graphics imagery to show satellites or debris, etc, etc. If you or I are real, we can take a photograph of ourselves and prove it. If Santa is fake, we have to cartoon and photoshop him into existence. NASA doesn't deny that there isn't a single authentic photograph of a). earth from space, b). "planets" and c). debris or technology floating around in space. NASA admits that all images are composites and CGI's. Rob Simmons, NASA's graphic designer, aka Mr. Blue Marble, told everyone that the way globes are made is by taking flat stripes of image data and composing/rendering them around a model ball earth, he then inserts the clouds, fills in the oceans and adjusts lighting and color. If earth were a ball, we would have authentic photographic proof of this ball, yet no suchness exists.

Anyway, I just thought I'd address those real quick. If you do ever decide you want to talk about the topic, I'm always open to it and happy to.

Thanks for your interaction.

Wow - that is a damn good answer!

Basically I think flat earth is a CIA disinfo tactic, and it tends to be linking to moon landing deniers as a means of making them look gullible.

By linking it to holocaust denial Eric Dubay is doing the same thing.

A similar tactic was to say the twin towers were brought down by nuclear bombs or even an alien spacecraft to make 911 "truthers" look like idiots to the general public. A favourite CIA tactic.
