
@krazykrista, i love your opening paragraph.
To achieve your goal, you have set out very important reasons why you need to.
We most times give up on our goals when we lack enough motivation to keep us going.

Each point mentioned is enough to keep you going, if you can, write out these reasons and paste on your wall, recite them every morning and in no time, you will find enough courage to let go completely.
I fear that I will not be around/in good health to cuddle my grandbabies, watch my kids marry, and enjoy retirement. Overall, I am pretty healthy individual, I do not get sick often, and aside from a minor heart condition and an old back injury that gives me issues, I am in pretty good overall health. I see people (smokers/exsmokers) who are only 10 years older than me carrying an oxygen tank around and constantly coughing, I don't want that to be the future me.

I fear that I will not be around/in good health to cuddle my grandbabies, watch my kids marry, and enjoy retirement.
I see people (smokers/exsmokers) who are only 10 years older than me carrying an oxygen tank around and constantly coughing, I don't want that to be the future me.