Alcoholism And Drug Addiction

in #addiction7 years ago

The part about drug misuse and alcoholism, is the kids today are which are currently becoming addicted. Seeing children of 11-13 in rehabilitation centers being treated for addiction isn't unusual. Your teenage years are among your most difficult and perplexing since you're trying to know yourself and how you fit in the world. Dealing with hormones, attempting to impress the opposite gender, and coping with the stresses that are general that school life brings, makes things. Plus teens today are being exposed to a lot more via the media and TV from a younger age. Alcohol, drugs and sex are not subjects this are considered as that they used to be.

With the experimentation which happens at the age at this point you have kids of 10 trying alcohol and drugs. The problem is therefore it'll create difficulties and that at the age, you don't have the maturity. It is impossible to pin the escalation in alcohol dependence and adolescent drug to any element. There are just so many various variables that might play a role. With peer pressure added into the mix of being exposed earlier age - you have a cause of the escalation in dependence. Peer pressure which leads to you doing loads of dumb stuff anyhow, plays a role.

Coupled with the insecurity that teenagers still experience, using drugs and alcohol then becomes a very simple way to deal with everything. If you look especially in the types of drugs readily and readily available on all the streets today, heroin and amphetamines being two of all the worst, it does not take long for children to get addicted. These are drugs that were not available as easily 15-20 years ago. Fighting the battle against teenage drug dependence and alcoholism is getting more strenuous by the day. As a parent, providing a supportive and loving home environment is the most important job, and in reality fairly much as you can really do. You then just have into hope and pray it'll be enough