Freedom by Adam Kokesh book giveaway, last one!

in #adamkokesh7 years ago


The past giveaways have all been sent out, and this is my last lot to giveaway.

I am in Poland and willing to send these out daily, as and when requested.
Adam Kindly sent me a box of these all the way from the USA at his cost, including badges and stickers, sadly I forgot to save any of those for me, shit happens and I deal with it.


I have 20 books left, and they all have to go, here are the requirements.

  • A resteem would be nice, though not compulsory.
  • Same goes for a vote, nice though not required.
  • Postage cost - is covered by me.
  • I do not require you to follow me as you might not like my articles anyway.

    When is free really free? with this offer that is when.

    I will request you say in comments you want one first, then send me your address via here I can say then when the 20 are gone and state the offer is closed.

    You can listen to the audio version for free here

And that is it, as simple as that, have a perfectly pleasant week.

Deliberator = Definition of deliberator
plural -s
: one that deliberates

Freedom image from


I'd love one! Sending you an email now. Thank you so much :)

1 gone, congratulations my friend.

Thank you so much :)

I'd like one. Just gave you a thumbs up.

Number 2 goes to you, cheers.

Hey thank you! Email sent :-).

Sending you an email now. Hoping I can be the 20th. I'm relatively new to Steemit but not new to ideas on freedom thanks to and other freedom minded groups over the past 10 years. Thank you for making this available.

You are number 3, so nothing to worry about my friend. And most welcome.

What a generous offer!

I will gladly take you up, have been meaning to give this a read. Thanks!
Emailing now...

Most welcome, you have book 4

Keep up the good work! For Liberty in our lifetime!!!

We can only try my friend.