Why Adam Kokesh Probably Shouldn't Promote "Localization"

in #adam7 years ago (edited)


Whereas I understand what Kokesh means when he talks about localized governments and communities that will replace the Federal United States government after he abolishes it as the first Libertarian POTUS, I don't think it conveys the right message about, and image of, the Freedom Movement.

And I kind of agree with Larken Rose that the main benefit of nominating Adam Kokesh would be for him to convey the right message about voluntarism, to the masses.

My reasoning is best illustrated by pointing out that one of the most pressing challenges we are faced with in the Third Millennium are Global Problems such as the potential for human pollution to negatively effect the entire Earth. Examples would be something like Ocean Acidification.

These challenges are new to humanity, and require a leap forward in human cooperation to be adequately addressed. It is the destiny of humanity to continue its path of evolving towards greater and greater modes of cooperation, eventually crossing all racial and cultural barriers to create a global familial community.

This may seem far fetched now, but our survival may depend on it. Nuclear World War could also be considered a Global Problem, and also can only be solved through transitioning to global cooperation rather than antagonism. It does seem to be a fundamental law of existence, that the options presented to existent beings is always:

Evolve Or Die

I am not suggesting that Kokesh doesn't know all of this. In fact, he stated it explicitly in his recent debate with White-Nationalist Richard Spensor.

And further, I am certain that it is through voluntarism, libertarian principles, and non-aggression that we can achieve this new level of global cooperation, without the need for a coercive centralized state.

When you tell people you are going to dissolve the United States and we are going to "localize" into smaller separate governments, that doesn't convey unity. That doesn't convey evolution. That doesn't convey cooperation.

Rationally, I understand it is an improvement, but I don't think the public will use reason to dig through the initial gut reaction to "localization", which feels like a step backwards, rather than forwards.

I Recommend A PR/Marketing Shift In The Campaign

The alternative Kokesh is presenting to the public has to feel superior and preferred to the current system. "Localizing" feels chaotic, uncertain, and isolating. Me and my community against the world? Me and my local or state government have to figure all this shit out on our own? etc.

Abolishing the Federal Government is a great step 1, but Kokesh needs a better step 2 in order to win the hearts and minds of the masses.

Instead of replacing The Federal Government with localization, how about we replace it with Direct Democracy!

How about we introduce the world to the new and innovative Internet of Sovereignty!

How about introducing the idea of a Voluntary Universal Basic Income!

How about getting some big donors and sponsors for the campaign, such as Bitnation.co or borderless.tech !

Why not partner up with what BitNation is doing, maybe get them to sponsor your campaign, and instead of "Liquidate all remaining assets to fund social programs as private charities", why not donate all of the money and resources to the best Decentralized Governance Projects on the market right now, that will replace the outdated and obsolete (and immoral) coercion based system.

Split the money and assets between BitNation, Borderless, and basicincome.co perhaps to kick off the revolution in voluntary governance. I'm sure there are others out there working hard that I am not aware of. Give them a boost!

Make The Alternative Fun and Exciting! Not Scary and Uncertain...

What Bitnation is doing is really exciting! Their platform to create a voluntary basic income for all is cutting edge. Their ideas for court systems, dispute resolution, voluntary policing, voluntary healthcare, voluntary social security, voluntary infrastructure development, voluntary defense. They have pass ports, marriage certificates, birth certificates, death certificates, everything on the blockchain and decentralized.

And all of it is in line with libertarian principles of non-aggression and voluntarism!

To use your platform to talk about this, makes Libertarianism and voluntarism look like a much better future than simply talking about "localizing" to townships and states, that still have the same old hierarchical coercive governance structure that we want to get rid of.

The focus should not be on "localizing" but on "unifying". Getting rid of these arbitrary borders that mark the territories of the world's most violent and powerful gangs. Getting rid of nation-states that divide us, and introducing a bright new future of peaceful cooperation and Liberty and freedom for all!

  • KG

Great post! Their's just no way I could ever justify voting for someone to oversee my best interests, either. I had never heard of bitnation, but I'll have to check that out.

Glad to have introduced you to BitNation! They just did a live stream with Larken Rose today: