
Upvoted. Agreed, today is a new day. A new leaf. Don't let the weight of the past or future keep you from the riches of being in the moment, being aware of what you can do instead of dwelling in doubts, regrets, in things beyond our controls. It does help to remind people of this freedom. We become slaves when we make too many excuses as we cry. It is better to rise up with victor mentality over victim mentality.

Indeed, doing what is right is as present as it gets. It can seem confusing though if what is absolutely right is unknown. What is inevitably discovered is that right action is any action that does not cause harm. Even more, right action is defending others who are getting harmed as much as possible.

I will likely be imprisoned when I appear in Court on Friday the 4th. It's only a contempt hearing, but anything could happen in this fucked up county with its rigged "criminal injustice system".

I must wander constantly and randomly to avoid being "hit". Let's say that I get imprisoned indefinitely on Friday or I get "hit" a few weeks from now. How many people reading this would do anything?


That is what needs to change.