When something is declared "legal" it simply means that it has the blessing of those in power. It has nothing to do with what is right or wrong, moral or immoral. Conversely, if something is declared (by political parasites) "illegal" and you do said thing, you are declared BAD by the politicians and men with gun come to you and do you harm.
This video is a snippet of INJUSTICE that must not be allowed to continue!
How you can get involved in Adam's plight:
Call Wise County Jail 940-627-5971
Dist. Att. Barry Green 940-627-5257
Recent Update from Adam's GF:
I'm Brian, the owner and creator of the YouTube Channel HighImpactFlix and the HighImpactFlix Facebook page. My aim is to create useful, relevant, exciting and engaging content that will inform and IMPACT those who take the time to view it. Bottom line: I strive to make it worth your while to check out my videos!

Thanks for watching/reading. If you enjoyed this or, if it impacted you in any positive way, consider sharing and commenting. And, if you want, Upvote - It's MUCH appreciated! Revenue generated goes back into creating even more "in-your-face" content. Peace!
If you want someone to stay in jail just hit them with as many possible infractions as possible to raise the bail above what they can pay. How far we have come.
If the police had never spoken to him what would have happened? he would have carried on to his destination and no-one would be the wiser.
Because they have interfered, they have put someone who may be innocent in jail, added to the tax burden of the public and shown us once again they are forcing control.
We desperately need to return to common law rights and remove all this 'bullying to get revenue' shenanigans that are a blight on society.
hope he regains his liberty soon, but how long we can keep our own is anyones guess.
The proof of insurance not being in the vehicle is what sealed his fate. Auto insurance is their foot in the door to or road lives and a complete racket.
Hang in there Adam
You're a true hero
Thanks for covering this Brian
Brian, thank you for covering this Presidential Candidate for the 3rd largest political party in the U.S.A. being acosted for harming exactly NO ONE! He'll be using his run for non-president as a huge platform from which to spread the message of self ownership & nonagression. This is a very direct threat to the "powers" that shouldn't be due to thier "power" comming from the imagination of thier subjects. Hearing the truth will wake many more of our brothers & sisters. Shake'm & wake'm baby! You've got to shake'm up to wake'm up! Keep up the good work @highimpactflix. The laimstream dinosaur media will try to ignore him as they are now.
If he is forced to accept a plea bargain, or convicted of felonies, he will no longer be legally eligible to run for President.
So we all need to do what we can to keep getting the word out... At this point in my life, I don't care what people think of me, I will push the truth in their face
Amen @mindszai, I'd rather be hated for the TRUTH than loved for a lie.
Clear 4th amendment violation... thanks for covering this and getting involved on Adam's behalf Brian! We are all stronger together.
What I'm amazed is the $80,000 bail set for such small and bogus charges.
If only we could find a pool large enough we could drown them in our urine. A fitting but crude relief. Pun intended.
The police forces of the United States 🇺🇸 are nothing more then terrorist and mercenaries for the military industrial complex and the corrupt politicians , financial racket , and there minions . We will not forget what you do now COPS ❗️COPS = 🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀‼️
You are making a great article I wish I could become as successful as you and get a voice for me
Nice post beautiful presented and explained. thanks for shareing vid :)
great post.
Following you. Thanks for this video, thanks for the update. I'm glad his dog is safe also.
I agree with the spirit and letter of your statements regarding this travesty and injustice.
I hope Adam Kokesh is soon out of his cage in Wise County, TX, but I know that this is an ancient and effective system to remove people from society that are considered a threat to the system.
While it is admirable that he is making waves, it is also dangerous to him, and those he cares for. It is a certainty that people he lived with, did business with, and associated with are being investigated in the hope of getting more of them out of the public eye, and into cages.
It is entirely possible that the corrupt criminal industry will end his life in a cage. They are very, very good at doing that. It is their sole purpose, and they are funded generously, equipped and empowered with the full resources of the globalist tyrants to fulfill that agenda, and Adam Kokesh is clearly a marked man by the system he is challenging.
It is essential that everyone that rises to the occasion and attempts to secure his freedom protect themselves from similar attacks on their persons. Leave no handle potential by which they might grab you too. If there is any way they can create the impression that he is a drug kingpin, and capture and hold as slaves more people involved in creating freedom from tyranny, they will undertake it.
Not only will doing so further their political agenda, it will make their case against Adam Kokesh stronger.
Adam Kokesh is not the only person whose freedom is at stake in this matter. He may never see the outside of a cage again, despite every effort. Make no mistake: these people are not playing for keeps, they are out for blood.
like the writing very much and I vote.Please do the same
Self promotion could make your reputation a whale snack!
Your Reputation Could be a Tasty Snack with the Wrong Comment!
Thank You! ⚜
@miti downvote
It might appear ironical but all I can say is free the FREE!