Maybe you are right. I certainly hope so. But from my perspective, this shit is real.
Real chemtrails. Real poison. We eat, drink and breathe it in every day.
Our children are being vaccinated, indoctrinated, manipulated, sterilized, genderized. We all are being successfully chemically sedated and mentally dumbed down. Look at the comments and "likes" on YouTube. Go to any Walmart to see how our current state of being is in reality. Maybe some people find their spiritual salvation. That's great, I wish them all the Best.
Meanwhile, in reality, we are being fucked on so many levels that we are overwhelmed by it.
We have not succeeded in solving a single problem so far. The opposite. It is getting worse. If you follow the news, you will find out that humanity is getting dumber and more vicious every day.
Once 5G and the SocialCredit System is established, the door is shut forever.
Personally, I do not see any way to prevent any of it in time before it is too late.
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yeah, sure I agree. The situation is pretty dire.
Every day I wonder how I find the energy to preach in favor of voluntaryism. I just know that Truth must remain available in the darkness not matter what.
you are a good soul, I mean it
You are so kind. And of course you are right. Even if we are up against all odds, one cannot be silent if he has any kind of character. In @maxigan's latest video he posted was a nice slide displayed:
I completely agree :)