Getting Fit for Steem Fest with Actifit and Blocktrades - My Actifit Report Card: September 15 2019

in #actifit6 years ago (edited)

Con la luna piena 🌕 questa notte ho dormito poco ma mi sono alzata presto per sfruttare una bella domenica soleggiata!

Ho ottenuto anche un #automaticwin: che soddisfazione! 😜

🇱🇷 Eng

With the full moon 🌕 I slept little last night but I got up early to take advantage of a beautiful sunny Sunday!

I also got a #automaticwin: great satisfaction! 😜



Hi @stellastai!

I decided to double back and try to connect with some of the people who have achived #AutomaticWin's in the past! Your on that list!

And this brings me to the reason for my little visit to this @Actifit Report from wayyyyy back!

Believe it or not! This was your last (and first?) #AutomaticWin that you registered with @AdventureReady!

I wanted to let you know about the 2 recent @AdventureReady announcement posts as they may apply to you! :D

I'm busy transitioning the AWIN Token (It's a token I was awarding to everybody going out of their way to get #AutomaticWin's) over to the Hive Engine site.

If you transfer your AWIN Token(s) (on the Steem Engine Site: back to the @AdventureReady account I'll buy them back at the rate of 1 Hive for every AWIN and also issue you a matching amount of the shiny new WIN Token on Hive Engine!)

Here's the 2 announcement posts about all of this!

First Post:

Second Post:

Let me know if you have any questions alright! 🙌



You have achieved an #AutomaticWin by successfully stepping your way to 10,000 steps before 10am! That's what we call starting your day on the right foot!

Qualifying for the #AutomaticWin achievement gets you:

1 AWIN Token! <--- Upgrade To: Bronze, Silver, or Gold!
[Check AWIN Balance]


💨10,000👟 + 10am⏱ = #AutomaticWin!💥🏅💥

Being intentionalintentional people are with their steps and each other the better with your health and fitness really pays off doesn't it?! Here at @AdventureReady we believe that the more so don't forget to tell your friends all about how you made your #AutomaticWin happen today!

- How To Get An #AutomaticWin: Step By Step & F.A.Q. -

Want to celebrate your steps with us?

Click over to this weeks #HighFive Post and leave a comment for a chance to win 5 Steem and hang out with the rest of the @AdventureReady crew!

© 2019 Adventure Ready