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RE: Enduring of Many Trials - My Actifit Report Card: November 28 2018

in #actifit6 years ago

There is a way to do that but I haven't spent the time to figure out how to do it or set it up. Supposedly it's easy to do but apparently I don't comprehend easy. One day I'll figure it out or pay a nerd to teach me how. I got one machine the RX 580 quits mining for whatever reason and all I need to do is stop xmr-stak and restart it but I cant figure out the whole VPN or SSH thing.


I was complaining to my supervisor about it. I was able to SSH into my servers at home from work but I couldn't reach my miner with remote desktop. Currently I have SSH encapsulating Windows Remote Desktop. I have experimented with SSL-VPN but it eats up a lot of performance with encryption. SSH encapsulating the weaker remote desktop encryption is fine with me. But I was telling my supervisor I wish I had a networked power distribution so that way I can remotely toggle a singular power outlet. For some reason my desktop was frozen. Toggling the power would have tried an automatic restart for me then I can log in normally... Assuming it doesn't trigger windows recovery. My nightmare scenario all day was, what if there was either a fire, my SSD died or malware. I might have some time this winter break. Maybe we can explore a solution for you ^o^

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm up for that. I've tried a couple of things in linux but i get confused on simple things like which damned IP address to use for this or that. It's frustrating and I give up because I cant seem to figure it out and I know it's something ridiculously easy.