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RE: A Little Friday Love {Actifit}

in #actifit6 years ago

Haha… she’ll think it’s cool when she starts coloring in it. I remember my great grandparents had a book made for me one Christmas. It had a story about a girl named “me” and when I opened that gift I was probably a little ambivalent too. Years later when I went through my old stuff I came across that book again and it took on a whole other meaning for me. I still have it saved with a few other items at my Moms. She’ll come to see the coolness in that coloring book one day, if not sooner. I bet everyone else gave him the recognition he deserved on it :).

And bravo for running in the afternoon. I hate running if it’s not first thing in the morning. It seems the day takes my running shoes away from me and replaces them with cinder blocks 🤦🏼‍♀️


Well there was no choice in the matter when the mini one says "Come on Aunt Katie!!!" As she starts running down the sidewalk by herself. 😂

She fell on her hands and knees once--no broken skin, just a few tears. As I was holding her trying to get her to calm down my sister came over to see if she wanted mommy consoling. She looked at her with tears still in her eyes and said "No Mommy, I just want to run." Think I really might have a future running buddy on my hands. Though I might have a tough time keeping up with her!

Oh yes! That’s the perfect answer little one. Running is so good for the soul, I swear. Good job aunty!