I set a goal to pass 5000 today and I succeeded! It's almost midnight here so I have to post now, but I'll be back in a few minutes to edit and update with a better description of my day!
OK so its 10 till midnight so maybe I could have written this part, but I didn't want to be rushed. Or worse yet, get distracted or lose track of time, and have my number be reset to ZERO! Besides, it's easier to type on my laptop than my phone.
I've been seeing my friends begin to use this app and I think that's great! It's good to stay active because that leads to a healthy body and mind. Some of my friends, on some days, have turned in some really good reports! I wanted to UP my game, so I set the goal of passing 5000 points and I did it! :)
I work at night so when midnight strikes, I still have several hours to be active! Last night I started with a nice fast paced walk around the neighborhood, which I do most nights. I have found that if I leave my phone active - not turning the screen off or putting it in lock mode - then the app registers my motion more accurately. Further, if I keep the phone in my hand, with my arms pumping as I walk, I also get a higher number. I was up to around 1500 after the walk.
I took the phone with me, whenever I left my office. My office is in my bedroom and it's on the second floor. I go down to the kitchen quite often. Then when I'm cooking something in the microwave, I'll walk around the downstairs until I hear the bell. :)
So after a lot of up and down the stairs and walking around, before I went to sleep and then after I woke up, I was at 2500.
After I check Steemit and emails and the news, I like to hit the pool! My phone is not waterproof so I didn't bring it. By the way, I usually do not bring my new phone anywhere. I just use it as a wifi phone. My 2011 Optimus V still works great and does most things I want a smart phone to do, so that's still what I have activated and carry everywhere I go. But it has Android 2.2.1 and @actifit needs 6 or better, so its installed on my new wifi only phone. Fortunately the app does not need wifi except to post. It counts my activity just fine when I am out walking and out of wifi range.
So I spent almost 2 hours at the pool. It is good for me in three ways. First I get to socialize with a lot of people of a lot of different ages and interests. I like to listen to stories they tell me, and say a few things myself if I feel they are interested. :)
Second, I get some sun. I think getting sun is healthy in small doses. Obviously getting fried doesn't help anything. But I am there usually after 5PM and even at that hour, I get a little tan. I will move to the shade if I feel I am getting burnt at all. I think the sun is good for our health by making Vitamin D for one thing, and seems to be good for my mood as I like a sunny day!
Third, I am rarely still while in the pool! I am always moving something. I swim, for one thing! But my thing is to swim underwater from one side of the Olympic sized pool to the other, underwater, on one breath. Not many people can do this! Many of the lifeguards can't even do this. :)
I also twist at the waist, do leg lifts, jump around, throw a ball around, hit a beach ball around, swim above water, do hand stands and just have fun! :) But I have no way to know what increment in my activity number I might have achieved from this activity because as I said, I don't bring the phone with the app to the pool.
After the pool I attended a National Night Out event, then went food shopping, then cut the lawn. I had the phone with me, and this got me to 3500.
I then ate something and thought I would go for another walk to get to 5000. But a thunderstorm hit! The lights went out a dozen times, for just a second each time. It was pretty violent with much wind, thunder, lightning and rain. I disconnected or turned off as many electrical items as I could, including computers.
Then I reached for the workbook from a Small Group I attend, and did this week's homework. There was much that I disagreed with in the text and I jotted down a lot of notes for the discussion this coming weekend. Before long, I was very into what I was doing and didn't notice that it was 11:18!
With midnight approaching which would reset my precious hard won number to ZERO, I put on my shoes, grabbed the phone, got it out of lock mode, brought up the @actifit app and went out for a vigorous walk! I was able to get my number over my goal and get this report posted in time!
That was My day, how was Yours? :)
I always look forward to seeing other people's activity reports, and posts on here in general, so I'll be looking at whatever you leave here on Steemit for me and others to read. I do read every day but I do occasionally miss posts that I would like to read. There are only 24 hours in a day and I sleep at least 7 of them!
Have a nice and active day! :)
@kenny-crane tracked today a total of 5042 moves/activity via Actifit Fitness Tracker.
This involved performing activity related to Daily Activity, Dancing, Walking
Download Actifit Fitness Tracker mobile app from google playstore
Congratulations on reaching your 5k goals. I manage to reach 10k again today but I failed to achieve my real aim which is triceps toning exercise. I end up doing various different type of upper limb exercise.
Good job with your goal :)
10k next target?
Thanks! Well I'm more of a sprinting person than endurance, when it comes to physical activity. I can be intense for a short period of time, and do it over and over again if I have some rest or lower intensity in between.
So idk if I can hit 10k! I would like to, and maybe I'll give it a shot one day. Realistically, I'll just bump my goal incrementally and try for 6k next. Getting to 5k wasn't easy for me, but one must challenge themselves so I'll shoot for 6k next. :)
Maybe you should try the aggressive tracking mode? I recall seeing something about it in the app settings. Could toggle it on and off when before and after your walks. Detailed description of your day :)
I saw that too, and might experiment with it. I was thinking it might kill the battery pretty fast so I didn't try it yet. But we'll see!
Congrats! You just reached level 2 milestone via using Actifit fitness tracker and provided Proof of Activity!
You accordingly gained 20 Actifit tokens for attaining 5042 steps!
You also received an 1.46% upvote via @actifit account.
Thanks so much; I am very happy to hear this!!! :)
This looks cool.
Definitely gonna check it out
Try it, you might like it! A lot of the people I follow are trying this now, and its fun to read their activity reports. :)
Wow, Congrats! You're awesome!!! Look how much you did in one day! So proud of you <3 You got me motivated ^_^
What an achievement. Congratulations! If we have a certain goal, our minds never let us keep it unfinished. "Never stop when you are tired, stop when you are FINISHED"
Waaa...keep moving and let's get healthy
Slowly improve day by day.. Good luck 😉
Yoi did quiet alot in a day.