Missed posting my steps last night by approximately 2min - I need to set an alarm or something!
After a somewhat big day yesterday (workout then work then some surprisingly intense softball with both my brothers), I was incredibly sore today so I attempted an active rest day. Some jumping jacks in the morning (side note: I've started doing these a bunch recently because them somehow make me feel like a kid again...) followed by walking back and forth from work. When I arrived home afterwards, I just spent the time cleaning and organizing and finally fixed all the drawers in an old dresser of mine! Not badddd for a "rest" day...
@cryptobols tracked today a total of 15265 moves/activity via Actifit Fitness Tracker.
This involved performing activity related to Walking, Other
Download Actifit Fitness Tracker mobile app from google playstore
This fitness tracker you use looks pretty cool. Do I simply just download the app to track my fitness like you do?
Yep, easy as that! There is only currently an app for android but I've heard the iphone app should be out relatively soon (@mcfarhat or the @actifit account will have updates for that). It is also consistently being updated with new features as the whole thing is only a month or two old.
Yeah! That was some pretty good activity. And also that is pretty good anlysis.
Was that you who was talking yesterday in the discord that you missed out on posting by 3min😂😂.Don't wait that long lol. Post before sleeping. Sleep tight.
Same thing happened with me but suddenly it came in my thoughts before 1 minute, I then rushed to my phone and posted it😂😂
Haha, thanks - I like adding a bit of color to the posts.
It wasn't me on discord but I certainly sympathize as I've barely missed midnight a few times! My work schedule is one such that I'm usually going to bed around midnight so it always cuts it close...
Congrats! You just reached the top level milestone via using Actifit fitness tracker and provided Proof of Activity!
You accordingly gained 100 Actifit tokens for attaining 15265 steps!
You also received an 12.18% upvote via @actifit account.