that would be the simplest and least drama but that will never happen because of "reasons"
yeah can't wait for the upcoming shi*tshow to say the least, Personally, I think the replay section and having people read the guidelines and adult is enough besides babysitting , a lot of the crap has really lowered because of early whacking so what's the point.
Pretty sure most on here can govern themselves at this point and work it out in replay type rooms and then burn the millions of sports to null to make the damn price go up. How about see which ones will do the job free and burn what they would have made for inflation. Then see who really cares about the platform without pushing any type of personal clique , make more then some already do or be draconian if you mislabel something ^^^^^^^^^^ :)
we can govern ourselves and call out rings and burn millions for the benefit of the price and not giving more money to a lot on the rich list which includes myself, meh..... If I have to "run "for a community who imho is ready to have the training wheels taken off then see how many millions are wasted on stuff already aware of.