Acro Planche - No Hands Handstand! Thanks To A 'Counterweight'

in #acroyoga8 years ago (edited)

Me and a fellow yoga teacher, Jennifer, did this counter balance pose. She's doing a TON of the work here, not just me.  She is leaning me forward, helping me lift my feet off the ground.

This one is a bit more challenging than other counter balance acro poses, but doesn't look as hard as it is. If someone can do a plank, and can keep their core tight, with the right partner on top you can lift your feet off.



Amazing! My husband @crytokeepr and I saw this and want to try it so badly.... waiting for a day when we both feel amazing (both recovering from small injuries)

I've never seen that version of it before. Pretty cool. I've seen it where the person who's not touching the floor wraps their arms around the base's torso (so the person on top would be turned around 180 degrees from what you've shown here).

The picture you posted looks a lot harder than that though. She's definitely got a strong back.

My wife and I have something new to try now--probably a modified version of this. Thanks for sharing this!

Yes, I know the version you speak of. yah, she has death ankle grips into my legs. not comfortable. And squeezes tight! She's doing more of the work. I just have to have the stability.

thats pretty Impressive mayby 30 years ago I may have tried this but not these days LOL


I have rheumatoid arthritis. I can't do something like this today, but in my youth definitely.

I understand. My wrists and shoulder's dont love this kind of stuff either. Lots of other things to play with :)

that is an awesome move!
You should enter the Steemit Got Talent Competition!

Good idea!

Yea u will do well with that move on there!
Go for it! Let me know and I will give u an up vote on the competition page!

Beautiful. Powerful.

Very cool. Upvoted :-)

Wow, I've never seen 'acroyoga' before. How neat! I've been doing yoga on and off for 20 years, but I just began practicing on my own daily about two weeks ago. Maybe one day I'll be able to do acroyoga too. 😊

Amazing. Acro is the best!

Just wow! You're amazing. :)

These certainly look quite impressive man.

Very cool!! :)