I had never heard of Achenese until I started hearing about it on Steemit, but I see a decent group of you on here not.
I know more about languages than I can speak them, unfortunately. I am okay with Norwegian, French, Spanish and Swedish (roughly that order). I can transliterate (letters only) some Russian and Korean, but I only know a couple of words in each. Elvish, from what I understand, is a blend of Welsh and Finnish, two very difficult languages. But again, not a whole language was developed, so it's easier to learn the bits of Elvish that were developed. Then, of course, fandoms take over, lol.
I'm so glad to encourage you to speak in your native tongue more often. Of course, bilingual posts also work very well.
I used to write my post in three languages😊 but nobody care about it that time and it took hours to write a good one then I stopped.
If you see #aceh on steemit.. we're so many in here but only dozens of us who really wrote a post in Acehnese Language. Being able to read and talk in many languages is a blessed, oohh I'm jealous that you can speak many "sexy" language... you know what I mean? The way people pronounce the words in languages that I never heard always sound sexy to tge ears for sometime.
The first time I heard Swedish spoken it sounded smooth, like French, but had the guttural sounds too. Beautiful!
But, I think knowing any other language is sexy - it's a "secret code."
Actually, I learned the difference when I visited France and Iceland. In France, everyone speaks French and I picked up an instinctive pronunciation - maybe not perfect and it didn't improve my actual knowledge too much, but it definitely improved my listening and turned French into a living/breathing language.
When I went to Iceland, everyone (who dealt with people, anyway) spoke English and Icelandic was more of a "secret code."
I wish I could be fluent in many languages - I love learning about people like that!
And I bet you will learn Acehnese quickly if you heard my voice because the words on Acehnese is read and pronouce as it written 😁 different from English. Maybe because there's so many words were adapted from other language.
We said doorsmeer (dorsmir in aceh) for carwash
Dobi/binatu for laundry service. When we said jak raon-raon it does sound like round which mean going for a walk around the place. We also adopt Free as Pre for something you got for free or pakansi for vacation.
See.. it's easy. And I think I need to learn some word in finnish or elvish too.. who knows I can find another similar words in Acehnese too. Because the French, Dutchs, portuguesse, turkey, arab, indian also been in Aceh in the 13-19th century when there's a great kingdom with white pepper as the main commodity to trade.
Thank you so much @viking-ventures😉 this conversation really enlight me about languages and you.
Yes, English has adopted so many words from other languages... it's not a very pure language, but a blend of many. Even at its roots we have Latin, but also German, but also Greek! There's also a lot of Old Norse in it... So, from the very beginning it's complicated.
A great Finnish word to learn is: kissa which means cat. In Finnish, the accent is always at the beginning and goes gentler throughout the word. For Finnish culture, the movie Jade Warrior is very interesting as it's in Finnish and Mandarin and ties in the national epic, the Kalevala to ancient China! It also uses multiple lives to achieve its plot - a fascinating film!
Uhmm.. will watch that movie, kissa - cat - kucing - mie'ong (in achenese) wheeww... this is really interesting. If you happen to write something about language, please mention me, won't you?
I will try to remember. :-)
I occasionally talk about some of the differences between American English and British English which can be fascinating. A few weeks ago, I did a post about the word "football" versus "soccer" etc. It's not as obvious as Brits like to think, lol.
Anyway, it's been lovely chatting with you. Be sure to hit me up on Discord. viking-ventures #2883
Will find you at discord then😉