Beautiful is Seven level in Belantara of Aceh .
Parts 1.
Getting to Know the tour in Aceh, not merely just the beach, a panoramic view of the bottom of the sea is beautiful mountains and rolling. However, many another potential hidden inside the forest in Aceh.
One of the waterfall Ceuraceu, which are in the Aceh Barat Daya, or rather in Krueng Batee, the Kuala Batee. The waterfall is in the wilderness and away from residential areas.
When VIVA to visit waterfalls Ceuraceu, this waterfall there are seven levels. The level of the last source of water the mountain in the village. After walking 50 meters, visitors will be to the waterfall in the second rate, and keep up to the next level. After traveling quite a long finally arrived at the waterfall that the highest in Ceuarace, which is a seven.
All the way to the waterfall Ceuraceu, visitors will be faced with a farm, nutmeg's citizens. Then the creek and the trees are lush with roots to spread. The visitors should also be berhati–hati, because of the track with rocks.
Not only that, along the way a lot of trees the nettle that had grown up around the bush. What kind of this plant, if they hit the skin can experience itching.
Every level of the falls has its own uniqueness. Starting from the track the steep and rocks, which is mossy. If not careful can not slip.
Khalissurry, Southwest Aceh who already understand the area of the waterfall Ceuraceu, said not everyone can go there. The average only know of your mouth to mouth.
If the original here on average, already know. But it would be nice if here there must be the guide, at least have a friend who knew the location, said Khalis, some time ago.
The trip to the waterfall Ceuraceu a little tiring, but if you've been in the water went seven levels, the tired of you were paid by the beauty of nature.
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