Aceh is a province which was quite hard defeated by Dutch Colonist. The courage and Acehnese war spirit made Dutch overwhelmed. Every effort was applied, there were so many funds drained along with Dutch Soldiers whom died during Aceh War. The history recorded that Aceh War known as the hardest war which it took long time for Dutch to defeat Aceh.

Moreover, what's the point that made Acehnese quite strong at that moment? Even Dutch and Portuguese Military were fear to Acehnese. The only answer was Hikayat Prang Sabi (read: The letter literature of war).
Hikayat Prang Sabi is a literature letter contained poems about holy war or war against colonist. The letter was always read to Acehnese, children, young men or old men. In addition, Acehnese had been always close to holy war spirit before. For that matter, it could be noted from every poem or verses which contained praises to Allah.

The effect of Hikayat Prang Sabi was incredible since it assisted a great war spirit for those who read or listen to the literature letter. In this way, after reading the Hikayat Prang Sabi the reader was ready to attack Dutch Colonist no matter what happen. A writer of "Atjeh" book called Zentgraff stated that Many Acehnese had a great courage and participated themselves into the battlefield during Aceh War right after they listen to the Hikayat Prang Sabi poem letter. Some battles in Aceh proved that Hikayat Prang Sabi had a great impact. One of the great battle was happened in Kuto Lungor where it is estimated that 300 of children and women were died during the war.
Hikayat Prang Sabi was created by Tgk Chik Pante Kulu. The literature letter which contained the nature of peace and the fight toward unjust then was read in mosques and villages. The main aim of this was to rekindle the holy war spirit to Acehnese

The most important points of the Hikayat Prang Sabi Literature is its preamble. In this part the poem informed the the purpose of the Hikayat Prang Sabi itself along with the its relationship to fight Dutch. Then, the point of Hikayat Prang Sabi contained preaises to Allah as the only god. After that the contains of Hikayat Prang Sabi contained about the call of war and huge rewards for those who decides to fight against colonist.

Below are the contains of Hikayat Prang Sabi poem in Acehnese:
Katrok neulangkah neulangkah neuwo bak kamoe.
Amanah nabi… Ya nabi hana meu ubah-meu ubah.
Syuruga indah… Ya Allah pahala prang sabi.
Beuthat beutan lee…Ya Allah nyawoung lam badan.
Ban saree keunoeng la keunoeng seunjata kafee la kafee.
Keunan datang lee… Ya Allah peumuda seudang.
Jipreh judo woe ya Allah dalam prang sabi.
Gugor disinan-disinan neuba u dalam-u dalam.
Neupuduk sajan ya Allah ateuh kurusi.
Ija mirah… Ya Allah geusampoh gaki.
Rupa geuh puteh la puteh sang sang buleuen trang di awan.
Wat tapandang… Ya Allah seunang lam hatee.
Geuganto le Tuhan… Ya Allah deungan kasturi.
Di kamoe Aceh la Aceh darah peujuang-peujuang.
Neubi beu manyang… Ya Allah Aceh mulia.
Khalikul badri wa laili adza wa jalla.
Ulon peujoe Poe sidroe Poe syukoe keu rabbi ya aini.
Keu kamoe neubri beu suci Aceh mulia.
Yang meu ungkhi ke rabbi keu poe yang esa.
Soe nyang hantem prang chit malang ceulaka tubuh rugoe roh.
Syuruga tan roeh rugoe roh bala neuraka.
Syuruga that roeh nyang leusoeh neubri keugata.
Lindong gata sigala nyang muhajidin mursalin.
Jeut-jeut mukim ikeulim Aceh mulia.
Allah pulang dendayang budiadari.
Oeh kasiwa-sirawa syahid dalam prang dan seunang.
Dji peurap rijang peutamo´ng syuruga tinggi.
Di cut abang jak meucang dalam prang sabi.
Oh ka judo teungku ee syahid dalam prang dan seunang.
Dji peurap rijang peutamong syuruga tinggi.
lagat that 👍
Teurimong geunaseh adun @s2k
you are welcome😊
mangat meu inggrèh si angen😂😂
If the story of the history of aceh is endless, the spirit of struggle until now masi exist. How do you think my friend?
I absolutely agree with you. I personally believe the spirit is still exist now. @rizal