introduce self

in #aceh7 years ago

hai steemit
perkenalkan nama saya munazir
asal saya dari Aceh ,saya lahir di kota lhokseumawe pada tanggal 10 agustus 1997.
Saya tinggal di desa tambon tunong kecamatan dewantara kabupaten aceh utara.
saya lulusan dari SMK Negeri 7 lhokseumawe jurusan Teknik Mesin pada tahun 2015.
saya sekarang kuliah di Universitas Malikussaleh jurusan Teknik elektro pada tahun 2015 sampai sekarang . Hobbi saya memancing,berenang,main reket.
hi steemit
introduce my name munazir from my origin Aceh, i was born in lhokseumawe city on the 10th of august 1997. i live in tambon tunong village dewantara district aceh north. I graduated from SMK Negeri 7 lhokseumawe majoring in Mechanical Engineering in 2015. I am now studying at Malikussaleh University majoring in Electrical Engineering in 2015 until now. My hobbies are fishing, swimming, playing a game. hi steemit introduce my name munazir from my origin Aceh, i was born in lhokseumawe city on the 10th of august 1997. i live in tambon tunong village dewantara district aceh north. I graduated from SMK Negeri 7 lhokseumawe majoring in Mechanical Engineering in 2015. I am now studying at Malikussaleh University majoring in Electrical Engineering in 2015 until now. My hobbies are fishing, swimming, playing a game. hi steemit introduce my name munazir from my origin Aceh, i was born in lhokseumawe city on the 10th of august 1997. i live in tambon tunong village dewantara district aceh north. I graduated from SMK Negeri 7 lhokseumawe majoring in Mechanical Engineering in 2015. I am now studying at Malikussaleh University majoring in Electrical Engineering in 2015 until now. My hobbies are fishing, swimming, playing a game.


Welcome to steem.

salam kenal ya