to grow tang plants require a tread so that the plant can grow well and good then we must cook the ajir correctly ...
as I did with my friends when cultivating melons in the garden of PT PIM ..
my friend and I choose the bamboo springs because bamboo is easy to split and bamboo is also easy to make as the arc we need on the plant ...
ajir in the plug next to the plant that was 1 week after moving plant .. why 1 week ??? because the arc at the plug in the side of the plant so that plants are not damaged roots at the time of the step ..
which we do there are 2 methods of installing the ajir:
- ajir in pairs 1 plant 1 ajir with perpendicular on the side.
- ajir in pairs 1 plant 2 ajir with crossed because the plant we keep 2 branches in 1 plant.
then we have tired that we put tie with additional bamboo ,, why? karen to avoid falling ajir or tumbangnya bamboo because of the wind.
this is the process of installation of the springs on the type of plant that has the nature of propagating to the top ..
That is all and thank you...
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