Concert Photo Tips or Stage Photography

in #aceh7 years ago

Music concerts are exciting objects to hone our photography skills, from their dynamic nature, forcing us to quickly adapt in reading mood changes to the challenging lighting properties we have to face when setting the camera settings. For those of you who have never tried to photograph a music concert, here are some brief tips that hopefully can help to make your photo more interesting:

IMG_9839 01.jpg 1/250sec. f/5.6 iso3200
Photo by: @fachrizikrillah

  • Start from a concert near your neighborhood.
    Have you ever started learning soccer and immediately dreamed of being called the national team PSSI? mystical is not it? Well this is true also in the world of music concert photography. If you are just beginning to take pictures of music concerts, start small ones first. If you happen to be a student, try to find a music event at your own school or your friend's school. If you happen to be an employee, start from an event at the office. Only then went to a larger music concert, such as a regional music contest. Do not jump too high, start small.
    Local music events make us less nervous and help us be more familiar with the atmosphere of music concerts in general. Large-scale music concerts usually require an official photographer ID mark, so for those of you who are just starting to get hampered by it.

  • Recognize the order of events.
    Try before leaving, we know the outline of the arrangement of events. That way we can save energy and concentration, know when to approach the stage and when to leave it. If we know what will happen in the next few moments, our anticipation must be much better.

  • Packed as necessary.
    Do not bring equipment and supplies beyond what we need. You do not need to carry a tripod, no need to carry more than two lenses (even one is enough) and no need to carry a charger. The cumbersome, compact letters allow us to move agile and concentrate.

  • Story.
    A good photo is a photo that can tell by itself. Example: while covering rock concerts, make sure the photos can tell you that the vocalist is singing with all his strength until his neck veins go all out, while the guitarist demonstrates his ability as a substitute for Steve Vai by raising his guitar up high. Without you giving a title in the photo, people also know that the concert you are photographing is a rock concert.

1/250sec. f/5.6 iso3200
Photo by: @fachrizikrillah

  • Elevate the ISO setting.
    Often music concerts are held in buildings with minimal lighting, or even in the evenings. If the lighting on the stage is not sufficient, elevate the ISO in your DSLR settings. Despite the noise, at least the picture can be quite sharp. What is ISO?

  • Setting white balance in auto position.
    The stage for music concerts is usually decorated with strikingly colorful lights to make the atmosphere dramatic. With this often changing color, I make sure you will run out of time if you want to change the white balance settings. Therefore, use the auto white balance setting in your DLSR. What is white balance?

  • Use the fastest lens you have.
    If you have f / 1.4 lens use it for most of your photos. If your fastest lens has a f / 2.8 aperture, what can make this one. Photo music concerts usually rest on an interesting moment, which can only be achieved when we have enough speed. With a combination of fast lenses and high ISO (but reasonable), we can capture the good moments with a fairly sharp picture quality, which could have missed if our shutter is too slow. Recall the notion of exposure.

  • Do not forget the audience.
    Each song has a unique reaction to the listener, as well as the action of musicians and singers on the stage definitely raises its own reaction. Capture the audience's reaction in your catapult.

  • Do not forget the environment.
    Do not forget to also portray the environment around the stage, do not just fixated on the singer and his musicians only. Portrait is also when the guitar on the stem, when the drum is set, when the sound system is in the test, when the lighting guys trying to light or cable roll in the corner may also be interesting?

IMG_9994.JPG 1/250sec. f/5.6 iso3200
Photo by: @fachrizikrillah

  • Recommend yourself.
    Make yourself known in the circle of concert people. Introduce yourself politely to band members, try to chat with people sound system / lighting. Recommend yourself to the organizer and also fellow photographers. Ask for an email address and send your photos to them. Who knows you will start to be well received by the people who used to be involved in concert affairs, even with the musicians as well. With so the future affairs will be much more smoothly, you will get a leak next event and more freely roam the concert stage.