Simpang Jernih Aceh Timur : Aceh

in #aceh6 years ago

perjalanan ke Simpang Jernih Aceh Timur adalah salah
satu perjalanan extrem untuk menuju beberapa desa yang ada di sana,
tampur bor, meulidi dan tampur paloh adalah beberapa desa yang ada di
daerah perbatasan dengan gayo lues. Mengunjungi pedalaman Aceh ini memang
memacu andrenalin yang tinggi sebab kalau cuaca bagus pemandangan alami terlihat jelas,
sejuk udara nya dan ramah warga disana. Semoga pemerintah Cepat bertindak ya agar masyarakat
disana juga sejahtera dan listrik segera menyala. :) .

Photo by @muhammad_boyhaqi97

More information follow @wisataaceh and visit website

  • ENG

the journey to East Java's clear intersection is wrong
one extreme trip to the few villages that are there,
tampur drill, meulidi and tampur paloh are some of the villages that are on
border area with gayo lues. Visiting inland Aceh is indeed
spur high andrenaline because if the weather is nice the natural landscape is clearly visible,
cool air and friendly citizens there. Hopefully the government will act fast so that the community
there is also prosperous and electricity is immediately on. :).

Photo by @muhammad_boyhaqi97


#simple clear

More information follow @wisataaceh and visit website


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