Ten of Pentacles
Step back today and appreciate the material, spiritual and physical wealth you already possess.
Whether it be your good health, happy family, clean home, money, possessions or the gifts of friends and family that have blessed your presence, know that you are abundant in this.
Think of the steps you ha e taken to aquire these individual wealths and possessions. How did you get here? How did you acquire this? Does it make you happy?
If it is no longer serving you happiness, why hold onto it? Ask yourself all of these questions and remember, holding onto something that no longer makes you happy takes up space for things that will make you happy. Make space for your own greatness.
- I am abundant.
- I am grateful for my abundance in all things.
- I am grateful for the opportunity I have been given to manifest my own greatness.
- There is no room for doubt or fear, only success lies in my path.
- My path to success is paved with abundance.
- My path to abundance is paved with success.
This has been another daily Tarot reading from #theshadowscapestarot. ~ Lady Reijya.
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