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RE: Confessions of an Academic Postdoc

in #academia8 years ago

"Maybe one or two a year (which, in mathematics is quite good!), but apparently not quite good enough!"
OMG. how many papers is enough in mathematics then?
And how about PhD? For a PhD program in mathematics, how many papers are required for graduation ?


Technically, 1. Your dissertation. Most people end up doing what's known as a 'staple dissertation', i.e. multiple peer-reviewed papers that you are an author in which you put bits and pieces into your dissertation to tell a coherent story.

You don't know that for a fact.

Never been able to adequately discern how many papers are good in mathematics. I'd say on the order of 4-5 as an applied mathematician and 1-2 as a pure mathematician. However, I hardly see much difference between the two nowadays.

What would make you Would say on the order of 4-5 as an applied mathematician and 1-2 as a pure mathematician?