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RE: Reminder, GrumpyCompliance in 7 days + Look who's buying votes on his 6 days old posts.

in #abuse7 years ago

I'm a little jealous of people who can understand the technical side of Steemit. I just can't wrap my head around the game. That's what it looks like to me, like a difficult version of Dungeons and Dragons, but with money. I'm so lost, but at least I'm trying to comprehend it. Anyway, thank you for the post and keep on posting! One of these days it'll really start to click with me. For now, I simply enjoy writing and chatting with folks.
Much love and light,


here. If you already understand SBD, SP and STEEM, there is not much more value for you in there.What part are you confused about @xmaas? If it is the actual monetary and rewards aspect, I recently summarised this for another user

What this debate is about, is users upvoting posts that are about to approach the 7 day point, where the author is rewarded. Authors are buying massive upvotes on these old posts, which has a positive ROI. They do this on old posts because:

  • The post is dead and forgotten, so they hope to not get spotted
  • The payout deadline is near, so there is less time for a whale to counter the bot vote with a flag

The effect the purchased upvotes have is increased payout for the author buying the vote. This in turn reduces the Steem rewards pool, thus taking a small amount of money away from all other users on the platform.

That cleared things up for me quite a bit. Thank you for this explanation. It really did help. It's not something I would do myself because it just doesn't seem right. If people want to see what I'm posting that's great, but if not that's ok too. The money is just a great bonus for me, I mean I need it, but there's not enough in my account yet to bother withdrawing. I mostly blog for my own amusement, sharing stories of my past and present. Some people enjoy them, others mostly ignore them. No big deal. I just enjoy the camaraderie on here. I would like to be able to have a couple thousand dollars to help my wife out with bills at some point. I won't stoop to buying votes though.

@xmass - I experienced the same and try to catch the wave or at least seeing a big whale doing. :-)

I have watched countless YouTube videos on the subject and it's still as though I'm listening to a foreign language without a translator. Gibberish! Lol! So I nod and try to pay attention and a few things stick here and there and I know that eventually something will click into place. I think one of my biggest problems is ...okay, two, two of my biggest problems is understanding the lingo the words and not being at all computer savvy. I am like a functioning illiterate when it comes to computers. Brought up in a home where the idea of computing was "Oh, it's just a fad, don't bother with it." So, yeah I'm a little behind the eight ball when it comes to knowing things. I only discovered Twitter about a year ago, or less. I knew it was there, but I had never done it. Learning and then forcing myself to learn everyday. Thank you for the kind response.
Much love and light,

Pretty sure you'll find your way around.

With good friends assisting, how can I fail? Right?

You are right.

@xmass - Don't worry our life is a life long learning. There are so many things for us to learn at each day. Cheers :-)


We all started the same way as you do. Me I'm a total ignorant, know nothing about cryptocurrency and blockchain. But with great conversation and the people around the community, I was able to understand a bit now.

I'm not terribly worried at this point as I don't have much Steem or money built up yet, but when that changes I'll need some assistance figuring out how to access it, as for now whatever is in my account will just be safe and build upon itself over the next year or two.

You will get there in no time :)