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RE: Pfunk's blog is an example of collusive whales.

in #abuse8 years ago

How many hours do you think I spent making those photographs? How much time and effort do you think it took to create them?

Do you value content solely based on how much time it took to make? Do you think that a post you've written took longer than the time I spent making those photos?


Personally I don't really give a shit about any of that. Guys like casey neistat made millions doing vlogs that obviously took barely any effort what so ever but I am still happy for him and enjoy his content. The only thing that is concerning about your situation is the fact that whales are able to get so much of the inflation when working together. Not saying you are just saying its a current/potential problem with steemit.

"whales are able to get so much of the inflation when working together".. profound revelation this is

I may write a book.

Fact is they're not getting my post rewards. Anyone thinking so can bark up another tree.

The longer most of the steem power is held by very few is the longer I get to buy cheap steem, since I'm not willing to purchase more than a little bit each time. So I'm not complaining, but it's fun to read words of others who do complain, and those who try to defend the flawed system. A flaw that works in my favor for at least the next few months. It's not like they can sell without crashing the price, and the longer they hold is the longer the price stays low. It's like they're just holding for me, that's GREAT :)

I agree, and I see your upvotes in the community including my own posts. The thing that I HATE about your blog is that all the destructive whales have upvotes upon upvotes over and over and over again in your blog.... why?

I don't care much about your profit, I am glad to see someone succeed. I am glad to see someone making something out of their online adventures.

I have been in your shoes before and it sucks to get negative attention, but the positive attention you are getting is from accounts that work pretty consistently to drive off and belittle other smaller members. Why they choose to upvote and help you boggles my mind.

Either way, I enjoy some of your posts even if I don't understand why they receive so much payout, so keep Steemin on my friend!
~ @Timbo

Well ya you can make heaps of profit trading it but the hope is steem will be a good future option for social networking rather than something that will eventually fail

if it was going to fail, it would have already failed, the "steem fail" days are long gone. This spaceship is flying at warp speed right now, and I'm enjoying the ride. The destination is in the hands of the developers, not the whales. All that steem is not worth anything without further development and more distribution.

If anything it already failed because of how much the price dropped. Anything that happens now can be considered a revival. Either way I hope the devs make steem a great coin.

Steem was 25 cents when I started buying in June 2016, so for me the price only dropped 10 cents

@pfunk I can tell you put quality time, effort, and skill into your photography and posts.

Ignoring the crude expressions of the matrixdweller, I think the question I'm having from the conversation here is whether or not there is a flaw in the system.

I assume the goal is for Steemit to grow and grow. For that goal to succeed I would imagine that there needs to be a way for the distribution of rewards to be more accessible for quality posts from people unseen by the whales. Or another way to put it, more equalizing of the upvote power so the few do not have the massive amount of power. That will decrease any potential of abuse of power, and it will empower and inspire the newcomers and those regular contributors of quality content who are not whales.

Is Steemit sustainable long-term, without a more equalizing power and reward distribution?

Thank you. What's amusing is the "flaw" in the system that is mentioned is actually its protection against large staked accounts only voting for themselves. Voting shares are squared so that a single largely staked account voting for himself (and not getting other large votes) will get less than if voting on worthwhile posts along with other large amounts of voting shares.

So this troll has it backwards, but we already know he didn't make this post to critique Steem, just as retaliation specifically against me.

@thedeplorable1 said

Many people spend hours on writing good content only to get $1.

Is your bot opt-in yet?