Quality posts have earned @haejins payouts, that is why it amounts to so much- His actual followers (NOT unfair BOTS like Bsanders has) are giving him the upvotes he deserves. The problem with chasing the best bloggers away and intimidating their followers is that it disincentivises the better bloggers to compete and post the best content -and then they go elsewhere, which is actually bad for STEEM.
When there is the ability to create a massive bot army with million $SP value to downvote the better bloggers and then upvote themselves into trending, this is the worst use of the STEEM Platform. They are confusing people from Steem into thinking that people like @haejin are the problem (using scare tactics/terms like "rewardpoolrape" further exacerbates the problem), when it is actually the massive army with over 1ML steempower manipulating everyone into giving them more SP- You did a good job of figuring out @haejins earnings...But why not try and tackle the much bigger task of following the money the berniesadners bot army, and see how they make the most money of all ??? They are pulling the biggest scheme of all, right in front of everyone- accumulating more SP from the unsuspecting masses with their appeals to combat "reward pool rape" - Give me a break, thats right out of the playbook!.
And I am serious about tracking down the depth of that rabbit hole. I dont think anyone has successfully done it yet, because many don't have the time, and most don't even recognize that its happening. Figuring out just how much bsanders makes in a day from the unsuspecting will require figuring out how many are actually his own accounts (rand0whale?), and how the SP is used to accumulate more for the BernieS. collective.