This discussion is tiring, just take self-upvoting away all together.
The concept does not make sense. Of course I think my posts are wonderful and thought provoking. I'm a genius in my own mind!
I get so tired of the self-pontificating posters railing against self up-voters. If it's there, I'm going to do it, plain and simple human nature. So take it away once and for all.
BTW, I just up-voted myself because I think everything I think and say is brilliant......and to prove my point that making it available to the posters is stupid. Also, I really want someone to reply and preach to me about how I'm destroying Steemit.
Just take the option away!
p.s. I did up-vote the main article as well. I'm not a total douche!
ha ha! Good point!
It is interesting to see, though, how most humans behave, when given the opportunity to self upvote.
I made far more money on the post i didn't upvote than the ones I did.
Thanks @stellabelle. I'm kinda new here and I'm still learning the ropes. It's been a blast so far!
I shall endeavor to #yunk in all my future posts!