You are a complete and utter liar:
Do this on YT and you get a copyright strike, again, strongly implying I am correct:
Can you legally use a movie trailer in your youtube video and still have ads and make money? If so, how?
6 Answers
Amlan Tripathi
Answered 26w ago · Author has 58 answers and 96.1k answer views
Both YES and NO!
Amlan Tripathi, YT ( & Lead at Information Technology (2010-present)
"YES - There will be copyright strike and your channel will be warned a couple of times before your channel being taken down altogether. These kind of situation happens when you upload a complete audio visual end to end without any modification and monetization is turned on for your videos."
"In the case of a picture or image, you must first get permission from the owner of the image, unless the image is public domain. You should also attribute all images back to their original site (i.e. site you got the image from) and content creator/owner."
Your comparison is nonsensical and absurd. You are comparing apples to oranges.
Doubling down on lies (and/or not knowing what the fuck you are talking about):
""In the case of a picture or image, you must first get permission from the owner of the image, unless the image is public domain. You should also attribute all images back to their original site (i.e. site you got the image from) and content creator/owner."
"Having an embedded youTube video on your online article or website is exactly like having an embedded image - thus permission must also be given from the owner of the youTube video.""
Produce written permission to reproduce the content you plagiarize.
But you won't, because you can't.
Studios all enter these agreements specifically because YT demonetizes any incorrect use of these trailers and funnels ALL revenue to the uploader (rights-owner's) monetization.
This is the explicit agreement on which YT's permission, on which the embedding permission, also relies.
No studio would approve of @movietrailers end-run roundabout on monetization that is happening here. Were they aware, they would immediately C&D or revoke these permissions, assuming the $ amount was material.
The "agreement" that you are claiming protects you would be moot given the spirit of it is being directly circumvented. You are actively working to undermine this agreement.
You would be given no legal quarter, and as Kevin says on Shark Tank, you would be crushed like the cockroach you are.
Even if you had a much better argument than you do.
You have obviously never worked in media or marketing. Your ignorance of their goals is laughable. What's even funnier is that you think I even posted a video. I posted a URL .
Exactly. You've done fuck all. You've been as lazy as you could possibly be, and done, literally nothing. And you are making far more than people who actually put work into their content. You're wrong. Shut up and disappear, or don't, and keep building your blog to an estimated worth of a million or whatever. AND THEN sit back and er, ENJOY THE FUCKING VIEW OF YOUR FOUR CELL WALLS, because what you are doing is illegal, and WHEN they catch up with you, they will sue the fucking shit out of your sorry arse.
"and done, literally nothing."
Misuses the word literally.
"they will sue the fucking shit out of your sorry arse."
Ummm okay that's what my arse is for. You and them are welcome to all the shit from it you want.
You know someone just needs to fuck off and give up when their responses are nothing more than picking at the way you have worded your comment :')
I already pointed it out. The written permission is in plain site. The rights holder allowed for sharing when submitting their work to YouTube and I used the 'Share' button supplied by YouTube. You just refused to accept the facts and have gone on some manic google cherry picking spree.
What's hilarious is that this is exactly what those companies hope for. They want their trailers to go viral and be shared all over the internet.
You are a perfect storm of ignorance.
On a technical level you don't understand what a URL is and what was actually published to the blockchain.
On a legal level you have no clue where to begin and just jumping to anything you can google to support you without realizing it's not applicable.
On a business acumen level you have failed to understand the motives of the companies releasing these trailers and how mass marketing works.
..Judge Jerome Siandle wrote:
"Trailers have become more than advertising material for other products; they have become valuable entertainment content in their own right, as web surfers continually frequent the internet to view these on-line commodities prior to movie releases, [...] and such previews increase web site traffic and on-line 'stickiness,' which give web site owners additional time and opportunities to market their services and products."
They know you are stealing revenue (or, they don't, because you are miniscule.) They only don't take you down because you are peanuts, not because they legally can't.
Do you know what a URL is?
Do you know what a piece o0f shit is? Someone that uses others work in geed to fill their pockets, whilst hard working content creators are fucking trod on and forgotten about. Fuck you.
So in other words you have no fucking clue.
Do you even read any of the comments aimed at you? Remove yourself from the face of the earth
OK noob will do. LOL