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RE: Whales: You Have Some Flagging to Do

in #abuse7 years ago

Why do you believe that it is ok for your friend bernie to upvote himself every day with his ever growing number of accounts and
believe it is not ok when a new player wants to give large upvotes to someone who is providing value?hey @themarkymark


What Bernie does isn't my concern. I am not him. There is a difference between upvoting oneself $50-200/day and being upvoted for $382 10 times/day. The jury is out if self-voting is really bad. When someone getting 5+ posts on trending a day for around $15k USD/day, it is the entire community's responsibility to look into it.

Many believe one is free to use their stake as they please if you have a large amount of stake and want to upvote yourself, by all means, but to do it 10+ times a day for $300-400 is just insanity. It's a reward pool we all share, only 64K Steem is generated per day, and if one person takes a large portion of it, then it is a problem.

Looking at @haejin's payouts, he set to take around $15K+ USD/day per day. The total reward pool has a rough USD value of $192K/day @ $3 Steem. Let's say it was only $10K, that's still 5.2% of the total Steem Value generated a day, but more realistically larger (7.8%). So even though the % from was inaccurate purely on a STEEM production point of view, when you factor in USD value of SBD it is actually pretty close to what it is in reality.

" There is a difference between upvoting oneself $50-200/day and being upvoted for $382 10 times/day. The jury is out if self-voting is really bad. When someone getting 5+ posts on trending a day for around $15k USD/day, it is the entire community's responsibility to look into it."

It literally only matters to whales. They get all the rewards from the pool, not the minnows. All the flags in a month return about ~5% of the rewards to the pool. There isn't a minnow on the platform that should breathe hard for a 5% increase in their largely illusory rewards.

The best thing for the platform, IMHO, would be a continuous, evenly matched, flagwar between all whales.

The minnows would have a chance at rewards. The platform would have a reason to grow, and retention would skyrocket.

Even the flaggots would make money, as the capital gains made them more wealthy than their wildest dreams.

The most likely consequence of the incessant mining of rewards into the accounts that have the most Steem, is the value of Steem going to zero, sooner or later. Whenever the stream of new accounts dries up, and new influx of n00bs isn't available to offset the loss of those that give up.

NOT unfair BOTS like Bsanders has) are giving him the upvotes he deserves. The problem with chasing the best bloggers away and intimidating their followers is that it disincentivises the better bloggers to compete and post the best content -and then they go elsewhere, which is actually bad for STEEM.Quality posts have earned @haejins payouts, that is why it amounts to so much- His actual followers (

"reward pool rape" - Give me a break, thats right out of the playbook!.When there is the ability to create a massive bot army with million $SP value to downvote the better bloggers and then upvote themselves into trending, this is the worst use of the STEEM Platform. They are confusing people from Steem into thinking that people like @haejin are the problem (using scare tactics/terms like "rewardpoolrape" further exacerbates the problem), when it is actually the massive army with over 1ML steempower manipulating everyone into giving them more SP- You did a good job of figuring out @haejins earnings...But why not try and tackle the much bigger task of following the money the berniesadners bot army, and see how they make the most money of all ??? They are pulling the biggest scheme of all, right in front of everyone- accumulating more SP from the unsuspecting masses with their appeals to combat

And I am serious about tracking down the depth of that rabbit hole. I dont think anyone has successfully done it yet, because many don't have the time, and most don't even recognize that its happening. Figuring out just how much bsanders makes in a day from the unsuspecting will require figuring out how many are actually his own accounts (rand0whale?), and how the SP is used to accumulate more for the BernieS. collective.

 7 years ago (edited) Reveal Comment

you are defending bernie sanders

I am not defending anyone, my discussion was about @haejin and you want to keep deflecting to someone. I do know for a fact @berniesanders sacrifices a shit ton of stake on a daily basis to flag spammers and scammers that no one else wants to take action on.

and then you make another fictitious claim of 5.2%

I provided all the math, feel free to provide your own.

and you are witness??

Yes, and you know that. I'm going to guess you have no clue what one is though.

The more I look into @haejin, the fishier it gets. You have hundreds of new users flagging people with no stake and no understanding how Steem works. Yet they know enough to create bots that automate mass voting.

There are pages and pages of this.

I do know for a fact @berniesanders sacrifices a shit ton of stake on a daily basis to flag spammers and scammers that no one else wants to take action on

Im sorry but he is fooling you if you truly think his "sacrifices" amount to more than his net daily earnings- how do you think he has accumulated over 1ML steempower??

Because he was one of the early miners who took a big gamble and went all in on Steem.

Try instead...gaming the platform in his favor and accumulating millions of steem by shilling , lying, manipulating and stealing with a sockpuppet shill/bot army.

Well, first he mined Steem, and then he did those things.

You are a witness and your role is to protect the platform so start down voting all of his self votes.

It isn't a witness's job to downvote self-votes, self-votes are not against the rules. In fact Steemit defaults to "Upvote Post" when creating a new post.

@berniesanders rewards:

@haejin rewards:

Bernie is a whale, Haejin is not, so he should be getting more rewards, and he isn't even remotely close. Haejin also has been downvoted a lot and hasn't been posting nearly as much, so the numbers would be many times higher (500%-1000% higher) if it continued on.

Yet @berniesanders rewards aren't even remotely close to @haejin's rewards.

And you math is pure fiction. I can look at the actual numbers and its not even close to 5% so dont try that bullshit on me

Because you haven't or can't do the math. I have provided all my math and presented facts, not made up bullshit or attacks which is all you are capable of doing.

It's been fun, but I rather stick my finger in a light socket than continue to waste time talking to a wall.

Bernie is a whale, Haejin is not, so he should be getting more rewards,

Shouldn't rewards be based on quality content more so than how rich you are??

In an ideal world yes. But there is no denying stake has a huge amount of influence here.

On the other hand, large investors need to have a return on their investment and not everyone wants to write blog posts every day. Without large investor, Steemit dies. There are many users with a lot of stake (500K-1M+) that do not post on a daily basis or even at all, but they do curate and comment.

THIS is the perfect example of how Bsanders is gaming everyone: I just confirmed that this post written by k r y s e c yesterday is in fact, written by one of the mafia...They make far more SD daily than anyone, and I agree with another poster that Steem is being 100% gamed by them.

You aren't adding the bot army in, on either side.

As a result it's impossible to ascertain the actual rewards going to either party.

Bernie is a whale, Haejin is not, so he should be getting more rewards, and he isn't even remotely close.

I am trying to figure out how you really feel- Do you have any association with Bernie? Curious now, because your blogpost would seem to be very much supportive of @haejin, and yet you invested quite a bit of time into justifying why a bot army should have earned more for being a whale than someone who actually has a legitimate following and has earned their upvotes??!!...

Yet @berniesanders rewards aren't even remotely close to @haejin's rewards

Noooo, that is not true, look to the bot army... he owns them...How does the mafia work and accumulate money but through the work of the henchmen, lol? #followthewhiterabbit !

i think I just made you visible again with my upvote?- I am finding that the only people who make legit comments (and who are not part of the Bsanders troll team) have had their comments made invisible- So i just look for those. Bsanders group have 100% gamed this platform with a massive sockpuppet shill-bot organization, making millions actually- Markmark has exposed himself more than once (although poor thing doesn't realize it) Same as krysec, who attempts to make informative posts that skew opinion in favor of randowhle and B sanders.

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment