How does that help you to censor my comment asking for the bidbots to improve their blacklist?
Maybe you should type less and think more.
Ps: Not going to take my chances with that one.
How does that help you to censor my comment asking for the bidbots to improve their blacklist?
Maybe you should type less and think more.
Ps: Not going to take my chances with that one.
Look, you are an abusive bully. This arrogant self voting to "help the reward pool" is a joke. You know it, I know it, and a good number of Steemians know it. You aren't doing anyone any favors except for making yourself more money... Why don't you use that massive power of yours to upvote someone ELSE? What, grumpy is the only person on the platform that should get upvotes?
Waiting on SBD to get back to normal.
Maybe I should just sell my vote for ~90% of it's self-vote potential to spammers who'll profit without having invested any money into Steem.