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RE: The Case of KarlasKrafts Charity Scamming

in #abuse7 years ago

this account had the chance to defend itself and was asked to show some type of id and refused and continues to promote a Facebook page which is all African , think Ghana? flag keychains and it makes zero sense and again the asking of 35k in Mexico and the fact the age of the kid isn't even the same......
ce la vie , was hoping to be proved wrong, disappointment and getting played happens


Received 100% confirmation from the etsy account owner(see update4), Hippo was made by two male artists, Lloyd and David, case closed.

same just got time to do my post on it as I have jobs and life is not fair/tough ;).... Hippogate is over with and the link to the FB page and email am flagging that now if it's not already

I wasnt aware it was called hippogate, but fine by me, sounds phonetically cute.
Good job girl.