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RE: Whales: You Have Some Flagging to Do

in #abuse7 years ago

This is probably the lamest form of spam and reward pool rape I've ever seen... They might as well at least leave the oh-so-common "Nice Post" comment on other peoples' posts... But literally making one post and then self commenting endlessly and self upvoting endlessly on that one post....... That's not even trying at all :D

Thanks for pointing this out, Luke! This is some real Sherlock Holmes uncovering here.


"This is some real Sherlock Holmes uncovering here". Going through the blog, I think you just put this line precisely. :)

@lukestokes needs more power to bring cases to limelight.

Thanks goes to @tt-dogg who noticed this was such an issue that they brought it up in an unrelated post of mine to bring it to my attention.

thank you for being a stand up honest witness...if ever your in the sf bay area i woud love to take you and your family out for dinner i voted you for witness and will be promoting to to all my followers sir...sorry your on vacation also on vacation also...