Hola de nuevo Hive! // Hi again Hive!
En esta ocasión escribo este Post para compartir lo que ha sido para mi una delicia de experiencia creando este Logotipo para la cuenta @Abundance.Tribe y en especial mención para @steeminganarchy, @in2itiveart,@vincentnijman y @ELAmental que se merecen un gran aplauso por esta iniciativa la cual estoy totalmente agradecido de participar!!!.
On this occasion I write this Post to share what has been a delight for me to create this Logo for the account @ Abundance.Tribe and especially for @steeminganarchy, @ in2itiveart, @ vincentnijman and @ELAmental who deserve a big applause for this initiative which I am totally grateful to participate !!!.
Aqui les comparto ademas 3 tipos de Banners y un separador para que se pueda usar en la comunidad y tener mas gráficos de los cuales sentirse orgulloso
Here I also share 3 types of Banners and a page separator so it can be used in the community and have more graphics to be proud of
Voy a hacer un resumen para que vean de donde me inspiré para hacer este Logotipo. En primer lugar el Totem es una figura que respresenta la Tribu y su relación con las personas, animales y naturaleza, por eso como engloba todos los conceptos de la comunidad me pareció el mejor símbolo que nos puede representar.
I am going to make a summary so that you can see where I was inspired to make this Logo. In the first place, the Totem is a figure that represents the Tribe and its relationship with people, animals and nature, so it joins all the concepts of the community, it seemed to me the best symbol that can represent us.
El otro elemento que es menos obvio ya que lo simplifiqué para que el logotipo sea funcional son dos elementos de color marfil que estan justo detrás del Totem. Este elemento se llama Cornucopia y es utilizado en muchos simbolos y escudos nacionales de muchos países como emblema y símbolo de abundancia. La historia resumida esta en la mitología griega cuandola cabra Amaltea crió a Zeus con su leche y un día sin querer por estar jugando con un rayo le rompió uno de los cuernos, asi que el Dios para recompensarle, que cualquiera que poseyera tal cuerno tendria toda la abundancia y prosperidad que quisiera.
The other element that is less obvious since I simplified it so that the logo is functional are two ivory elements that are just behind the Totem. This element is called Cornucopia and is used in many symbols and national coats of arms of many countries as an emblem and symbol of abundance. The story summarized is in Greek mythology when the goat Amalthea raised Zeus with her milk and one day unintentionally because he was playing with lightning he broke one of the horns, so God to reward him, that anyone who possessed such a horn would have all the abundance and prosperity that you would like.
Aqui unas fotos del proceso
Here some screenshots of the process
Con la combinación de estos elementos el logotipo tiene todo el poder de la simbología que se requiere para que la comunidad vuele alto en todos sus propósitos, eso se los puedo asegurar!
Espero por sus comentarios muchisimas gracias!!! 😁✌️
With the combination of these elements the logo has all the power of the symbology that is required for the community to fly high in all its purposes, that I can assure you!
I hope for your comments, thank you very much! 😁✌️
I really like the concept behind this design, however it does seem more like a tiki than a totem poll, and i would really love to see a totem poll version that looks a little less mean and aggressive. Including cornucopias is also a great idea to represent abundance, I would like to see cornucopias in the design that are a little more obvious that they are in fact that by adding more depth/detail and maybe even changing the placement and angels of them so they are not mistaken for horns. I truly believe this design has a lot of potential, and with a few adjustments and a new approach... it could be stellar. Thank you so much for all your hard work and forethought that went into this design. I especially like the page separator you created.
@elamental Love your feedback really!!!, knowing these opinions you give me i will do another version of it for sure so @abundancetribe can have an awesome logo 😁 will send it here very soon Regards!
@elamental Here are the new designs, two versions of the new logo inspired in native totem pacific poll, new realistic cornucopia ilustration, and many more banners and separators, enjoy it!!! 😃🌿🔥
Wow great additions! Thank you so much for your hard work! I will be sure to include these in the final discussion when our community select the winners! Blessings!
@elamental awesome that´s the idea to give the best for the community,let´s continue making good works Regards!!!
Wooooooow, me encantó!!!
No me esperaba el escudo de Venezuela JAJA
@neyxirncn Ahhh para que veas las cosas que uno no conoce hasta que se pone a investigar, gracias por el comentario 😁
thanks for the mention! Great work!
Thanks @in2itiveart hope you like it!!!
pretty cool, also I liked a lot the Greek research before made your logo, that shows you commitment to make a work focused on what you wanted to express
@josecabrerav thank my bro!!! yes is important that we have knowledge and that gives power to the one that belongs the logo adiwa
excelente trabajo, me gusta las formas y los colores.
gracias linda @osmarylisbeth!!!! 😁